Chapter 2 - Mistake 1

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He didn't move. Neither did she.
There wasn't much he could do for her. She was here. She might as well have been dead.

"What age are you?" she put her hand out and counted her fingers with her other hand quietly out loud.

She stopped at three and showed bucky her hand.

"Three?" bucky asked confirmed.

Akilina nodded her head, quietly going over the numbers.

He looked at the clock 20 minutes left until the doctor came back.

Okay maybe i could help her slightly.

"Okay Akilina I need you to listen carefully can you do that?" his tone becoming serious yet gentle.

She looked up at him again a quiet "yes" came from her.

"There are rules here a lot of them okay but I'm going to tell you some things that might help you okay?" bucky spoke quieter and tilted his head closer to Akilina.

"Listen to everything they say okay? Don't question anything. "

He told her basic things like talking back. She wasn't really listening. She wasn't really there. Her mind being elsewhere.

Bucky looked at the clock again 10 minutes left.

"Hey Akilina, what's your favourite kind of food?"



Bucky was trying to get her less scared, even for just a minute or two.

A part of him felt like it wasn't worth it. They were in a horrible place. Hope was a cruel concept.
He could already tell the doctor and guards were coming back to get her.

Akilina decided she liked James better than the doctor. She had no reason for the favouritism.  The doctor was okay but James was nice.

Sure enough the doctor opened the door. Jame's face showing little to no expression. And Akilina looked a little less scared.

"You two are well acquainted them hmm"

"Да" Akilina spoke.

"Well we best be off things to do. Akilina come" and she did go but not before saying "Пока" (bye bye) and waved at James.

He gave her a little nod back. And with that she left with the doctor.

They walked back into the elevator. The doctor scanned the thing again and it moved. The group got out and walked for about 5 minutes. They went to a door the doctor looked down at her and spoke some what darkly.

"When you go in her you will go towards the bed, someone will put you on the bed and you will not struggle"


"Хороший" (good).

He swiped something on the key pad by the door and it opened. In here there were more people in white coats. They looked busy. Stressed even. The people with the black armour and big guns were in this room too.

She walked in after the doctor. Looked up. Saw the bed. Looked to her left and saw a needle.

Lots of them.

Needles with all different coloured liquid and some with none at all. Akilina quickly decided she didn't like this room. She wanted to go back to the room James was in. She wanted to go home. She wanted her brother. But he wasn't here. She wanted her mother. But she wasn't here . She'd even be okay with her father. But he wast here either. She wanted to leave. So she turned around and ran.

She didn't get far not even out of the room. She was picked up by a guard. And she did exactly what she was told not to do. Struggle. She screamed and kicked and hit and wiggled with all the power her 3 year old body could muster. That was until a the doctor came up with a needle.

"ah ah ah. What did I say Akilina. No struggling. What are you doing. Your struggling. I thought you would be better than this. Well then I guess we will do this the hard way. Akilina you've disappointed me. I hope this behaviour doesn't stick." he said with a sickly smile." Держите ее неподвижной "(Keep her still) he barked. She was held still and a needle was inserted into her neck, her body went limp and she was unconscious.

-when she left buckys room--

The door closed and he sat back on the bed moving the chair back to its original place.

"well fuck" was all he could think until the door opened again.

6 armed gaurds and a doctor "Вверх солдат" (Up soldier) the doctor spoke. Bucky stood. "Комната 90"(room 90)

Bucky started walking with the armed guards to the elevator. The doctor swiped his card and the elevator moved. They got out and continued their walk to the room. They went in there was a two chairs and a desk. He sat in a chair after being instructed to do so. He was chained down and everyone else left. Confusing him slightly but he didn't show it.

It was a long while before anything happened. Screaming. He heard screaming. And from the sound of it he made an educated guess that it was Akilina. His blood boiled. She was 3. What kind of asset could she be. She is barely old enough to walk. What do they need her for. They have him. Why do they need a 3 year old. His breathing deepened. He can't show emotions if they see it they wipe him. When it stopped he didn't know if that was better or worse. At least when she was screaming he knew she was alive.

Another while later doctor Fedorov strolled in. "ah Sargent your here already good. Good. We have a mission for you"

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