Chapter 55 - Mission Stat

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" They want more."

" There is only one, we can't just make more."

"No, no, not like last time. Not a squad of winter soldiers. We've learned that too many winter soldiers at one time is dangerous and unpredictable."

" So what do they want us to do?"

"They want a partner, someone that could possibly challenge her, and together they'd make powerful misfits."

" They want a partner? And who pray tell would be in this partner."

"I have a few ideas."

"Like who?"

"We have a lead. A hydra mission. Tomorrow" clint spoke out urgently, walking briskly into the meeting room.

" Who's the target?"

" A shield agent. An agent Simmons. Her husband was killed a few years back. He was as far as I know helping a kid out, said he was in a bad spot, hydra was trying to recruit him. Anyways the kid didn't wanna be apart of it so he ran. Simmons picked him up, was driving down a secluded road his tire was shot out. Let's say he didn't make it out. Neither did the kid. The car exploded. They could barley find any remains left. But blood confirms they were both there. The kid also said he knew something big. A weapon I think. A game changer apparently. "

" Why are we only learning about this now?"

"Because its meant to be classified" director fury cut in.

"Well now its not. Hydra are targeting Agent Simmons because they think she knows something. That she was told something. That entire mission was classified. She knows nothing except her husband died protecting a kid."

"Where are we going?"

"Simmons is on a mission in Washington. So it's close enough. But we need to prepare. We're technically going in blind."

"We know they're good, just not how good."

"So expect everything. "

"Pretty much. Oh and Sam's coming with us, he's been briefed and we need more eyes."

"Right, let's get ready then."





Alinas commanding officer curse Dundee his breath as he opened her cell door. She stood to attention when he finally unlocked it.

"Out now. "

Blank faced she walked out of the cell. Her eyes calculating.

"Infirmary, your getting a new tracker."

Akilina stayed behind him.

New mission.

The doctor tied down her arm speaking simultaneously.

"Stick to the shadows. Out of site. Don't go all the way to the roof. It may be a better shot but you might not be the only one watching the target. And if others see the target they could see you. Be quick about it too. No witnesses. No evidence. I want you to be invisible. "

Akilina didn't even respond. Just looked ahead. She often got like that straight after they used the machine on her.

" Done. "

" Suit up. "

Akilina was lead down the halls to the armoury. She put on her mission gear. A dark jacket over a light coloured top and black bottoms all with bulletproof padding. She picked up her gun and anything she might need, placing them into a bag and got settled into the transport vehicle.

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