Chapter 60 - End Of An Era

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If training wasn't already tense with Akilina and Henrik trying to see if Zoya had heard exactly what they were arguing about, it would've been when hydra superiors came to watch them.

They're trainer stepped forward, "you two" he pointed at Akilina and Henrik "fighting positions, now. "

The two took weary steps towards the mats they spared in. Getting into position, they waited for the trainer to give them the signal.

"To the death."

Akilina's jaw clenched at his words, she seen Henrik's eyes widen slightly.

Dread filled her mind.


She looked at Henrik, really looked at him.

He looked impossibly tired. Drained and exhausted both mentally and physically. Though he looked like he fit, she couldn't actually imagine him doing much else.


She couldn't imagine herself doing much else. What will become of her life after Hydra? After hydra. Will there ever actually be an after? The brand on the skin of her arm just as much a reminder as the nightmares in her head that she would never truly be free of hydra.


Henrik's eyebrows furrowed.Usually he can tell what she's thinking, but now she had an unrecognisable expression. Watching her closely, her eyes trained on the floor she took a deep breath.

Her eyes found his again, to his surprise she smirked. A smirk he new all too well. She tilted her head. She reeked mischief.


She went first wasting no time.

Landing a kick to his knee, Henrik dropped down and ducked out of the way of her next attack.

Henrik stood back up, in swift movements he started throwing punches.

The fight went on for a while, each getting good hits in. But they knew each other too well. Their opponent was easy to predict.

When he hit her nose hard enough for it to bleed, Henriks weakness kicked in.

He got cocky.

And she knew well enough by now how to trigger it.

She was bleeding from her nose and mouth, sweat glistening her forehead making her hair stick to her face.

Henrik had a cut on his check and nose.

Henrik threw a punch to her stomach.

Akilina dodged and tried to kick his knee.

Henrik easily caught her leg.

Swiftly Akilina used her other leg to kick off Henriks other knee using it as a step ladder, she throws her leg around his neck.

Akilina swings down, using gravity to do most of the work she pulls Henrik to the floor.

Her legs wrapped around his throat.

Henrik gasps for air.

She used a black widow move.

Why didn't he notice that coming?

What he did notice was her foot in the wrong position.

He grabs it and twists until it cracks.

The pressure realesed on his neck and he took a deep breath.

Moving quickly he threw himself on top of Akilina.

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