Chapter 30

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Im being sketchy and writing this during school so if it's slightly idk weird?? It's because of that ☠️😂 also I'm sorry last chapter was one of the better ones and this is more of a filler one. I've plansssss thoooo. So be patient ❤️

Since that day, the day that Akilina passed the tests, everything was worse, training, punishments everything. It was as if madame B was trying to beat out the part of natalia that was in Akilina. Except she was more empowering it. The more pain and suffering Akilina faced the harder she'd hit. The more she'd fight. Once she remembered what she was fighting for.

Her memories were scrambled. In her head Akilina had no family. No life. Nothing. That she was nothing. Nothing without hydra. With out the red room. Hydra may have taken her memories, her family, her identity, herself, but they'd never be able to take away her stubbornness. You could argue that Akilina stubbornness is what has kept her alive this far. She was too stubborn to die.

Akilina had her first full cycle. By cycle I mean she'd been in the hydra base for 4 months then the red room training facility for 4 months then back to the hydra base and was now back in the red room facility. She was slightly confused with the whole set up but obviously it made sense to someone.

Her last visit to the hydra base was much like the first one, except there was no resistance. She went and trained and followed orders. She'd somewhat mastered her basic elemental abilities, to an extent. Akilina could now successfully make something or someone combust into flames, create balls of flame and with a great amount of consentration withstand fire. Akilina could pull water from different things like the air, ground or even people. When she did that the person dies instantly though. She can create balls of water too. Akilina can also pull air out or push it into things and manipulate the earth. Like pulling up a piece of the ground. In most people opinions the earth part of her abilities wasn't very useful.

They'd also worked on the abilities that came with the super soldier serum. Her extra strength, agility, endurance and her quicker healing. How hard she could actually punch, how high she could jump, how fast and far she could run without break and how long she took to heal from different wounds. Testing her quicker healing had to be the worst. She'd been shot. Nowhere fatal obviously. But it hurt like a bitch.

Sadly she had been wiped again. No matter how compliant Akilina was it was always going to happen. Luckily for her she had a good friend looking out for her.

Zoya had stolen a very small notepad and pencil and started writing down all the facts she knew about 'kat' for when Akilina came back. Zoya was very observant. When Akilina came back to the red room facility she one fought more violently, two she never remembered anything about herself personally and three Akilina was always hurt. So when Akilina came back Zoya snuck it to her in the showers and told her to hide it as best as she could. Though there wasn't much in the notepad. Just stuff like nicknames and her favourite animal, conversations the two would have while everyone else was asleep stuff like that. Sentimental stuff.

The recent trails or training that had taken place were environmental challenges. They took the girls out in groups to different places with different environments, like a desert or snowy tundra, in which they were dropped off and told to survive. They were only picked up when one of the girls was close to death. It could last for weeks depending on where they were. One time Akilina's team lasted 3 weeks before a girl nearly died from dehydration.

Akilina found that since the tests she was being watched. Not by the usual madame B either. But by the three girls she'd fought and won. Zoya said that their bitter they lost a 3 v 1 and Akilina couldn't agree more. It was only until one day in the showers the girls reailised how bitter they really were.

After a particularly difficult and painful day of training the girls were in the cold showers. Akilina and Zoya chatting quietly as usual, too caught up in their little word to see what was happening behind them. Akilina turned the water off and started getting dressed. Just as she was finishing 4 girls rushed into the cubicle. Akilina almost immediately reacted. So did Zoya. The other  2 girls ran over and subdued Zoya. Telling her that the 4 girls would hurt her a well as Akilina. As the four girls came at her with brutal force Akilina was eventually forced to the ground on her knees. She was already weak from the endless torture and the brain washing this was the tip of the iceberg. "Вы уверены-" (are you sure-) one girl spoke up clearly unsure if their actions "Она не посмеет снова сделать из нас дурака"(She won't dare make a fool out of us again) another, kozlov , she seemed to be the 'ring leader' of sorts, seethed. "Наличие вторых мыслей? "(Having second thoughts?) Akilina mocked. She seemed bored of the whole situation. Akilina had a slight almost cocky smirk on her face. Which only fueled kozlov 's anger more. kozlov pulled out a small knife and slashed downwards. The other girls clearly were not informed about this part of the plan and let go of Akilina. Akilina ignored the stinging pain she felt and went straight for kozlov. Tackling her to the ground, Akilina was now on top of kozlov. F
kozlov was holding onto the knife for dear life. Akilina drove her fist into kozlov's nose repeatedly. She could hear Zoya fighting in the background. The other girls stood still not knowing what to do. Akilina had taken the knife out from kozlov and raised it a clear intent to kill, the knife aiming for kozlov's heart. It was small bit bound to do serious damage. Blood was splattered around the room. Both Akilinas and kozlovs. As the knife was coming swiftly down a voice boomed "SOLDIER" Akilina paused the knife still raised in the air no longer moving "Освободите место" (Stand down) madame B ordered. Akilina through the small bloody knife across the room and got off of kozlov. Who had a terrified expression on her face. And stood back. Everyone was silent. Madame B walked to Akilina and took her face in her hands." "Рана плоти зафиксирует" (Flesh wound get it fixed) she ordered a guard and pushed Akilina towards them. While walking away Akilina had no thoughts. Nothing. She was empty. Emotionless. Like she was out of control of her own body and mind.

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