Chapter 26 - Deja Vu

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The noise of a punching bag being hit echoed around the room as the small girl hit it with almost perfect stance.

She hit the bag the more strength then normal for her size, and age.


The harsh voice of the tall male instructor commanded.


The girls knuckles were cracked and bleading from not being wrapped.




The girl stumbled slightly, a weird noise coming from the punching bag. Her fist had gone through the lair of leather she was punching.

Taking her fist out slowly more sand began poring from the broken bag.

"Стена, солдата" (Wall, soldier).

She walked over to the back wall and pressed her back against it. Doctor Fedorov came in and walked to the instructor. Both inspecting the damage that had been done.

The instructor looked at the higher ranking personnel wondering how they were going to proceed.

The doctor looked at alina and simply said "dismissed, go back to your room"

She was escorted out of the room and to her own which hadn't changed since her arrival 4 months ago.


Akilina was going to the new Red room training facility with the last remaining 7 trainees.

Alina seemed to not be able to control her strength as well as her other abilities.

Though madame B seemed to have a plan so doctor Fedorov wasn't particularly worried, slightly skeptical, but not worried.

Akilina was currently lying in a drug induced sleep being transported to the red room training facility.

Her dreams plagued with nightmares. Just flashes of a life that seemed to not be hers. She couldn't remember the events she did see.

Only the pain she was feeling, and the emotions sometimes. She had one were she remembered her being submerged in a tank of water.

She had drowned and she felt every second of it.

The agony of holding her breath, the fear though not of dieing more of not saying goodbye to who she had no idea, the death peace she felt when she let the water into her lungs.

These were the types of dreams Akilina had, and she thought it was normal.

Every kid went through this.

To be fair she didn't know any better.

So she didn't know what she was missing.

The fact she was being completely robbed of her childhood, Akilina didn't even realise this was happening but you know who did,

James Bucky Barnes

and he was pissed.


Bucky wasn't winter soldier free yet but he was out of crypto freeze, shuri having found a suitable way for the trigger words to not work.

For the winter soldier to be gone.

He'd been updated on the Akilina situation. "you take down a intire assassin network and, nothing. That's that's."

He put his head in his hands unable to finish the sentence.

" bullshit, commitment, annoying. And technically I eliminated a place she could be. If you think of it like that it feels better "natasha finished for him.

Both were talking privately sitting at a table in Wakanda.

"sounds better too" bucky bemused.

"yes it does. We'll find her James."

It was more of a promise and reassurance to both of them. They'd find her alive or dead, they'd find her.

"how long before its too late? I mean she was what 4 when she killed someone for the first time. She's 5 now how many people do you think they've made her kill now. What about when she's 10 or even 15. God" bucky chuckled soberly at the end of his sentence.


"yeah some kid in her whole red room class thing. Still kind of confused on how that whole thing actually works."

"their already starting eliminations? Fuck."


They sat in a depressing quiet.

"I like the white. Suits you" bucky desperately trying to change the subject noted natasha's new hair style.

Natasha chuckled at his comment. "yeah. It's very subtle you know being on the run and all."

  " oh yeah from bright ginger to white very sneaky good choice."

natasha smirked at his teasing. "you could do with a change in hair too you know."


"oh yeah I'm think maybe a bright green."

"green really? I was more leaning towards a pink but ill check out the green."

" you should it would be a good look for you."

"I bet it would."

With spirits slightly lifted they fell back into a conversation about random things just to keep the silence and thoughts of Akilina at bay even for a few moments.

Like catching their breathe. they stayed like that until they both got tired and went to bed.


Akilina arrived at the facility early in the morning. She walked past all the girls without acknowledgement.

As if she didn't know them.

Zoya was slightly hurt, she had thought the girl was dead, she was happy to know she wasn't but a little unsettled by the girls expression.

It was completely emotionless. Zoya couldn't disipher a single emotion.

Akilina was led into an office a aging woman sat in the opposite side of a desk.

'madame B. A superior. Don't fuck with her.'

A voice rang through her head.

It was a warning and a reminder of who this woman was. When Akilina sat down infront of the woman a wave of deja-vu hit her. Like shed been in this situation before.

She had been.

"your mission is simple soldier you are to blend in. Infeltration of sorts. Your alias is yekaterina Morozova, orphan, from moscow.

You are not to talk about the other hydra facilities. You are not to compromise your identity. You are not to use your powers under any circumstances. Your friends with a girl named Zoya. You'll find her. Dismissed."

With that she was led out of the room to another where she got a shower and changed into navy shorts and a white long sleeve.

She also put her hair into plates, and joined the training session.

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