Chapter 56 - Walking Headaches

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"Hey did you see them, the assassin?" Steve questioned bucky.

"No, they were quick, stayed behind the cars. I think their female though."

"Really, why?"

"I don't know. Just assuming I guess."

Natasha sauntered closer to the pair "well they must be a girl, if they're this good."

Steve smiled, "must be."


Akilina skidded to a stop when she saw the scene in front of her. Shield agents, the enemy, loading hydra agents into vans of their own.


Akilina slowly walked away trying not bringing attention to herself. Akilina strolled down unknown paths trying to think of a plan.

Running a hand down her face she sighed deeply.


"Agents are on their way. The tracker is working perfectly."

"This will be the last mission. Theyre getting too close."

"This wasn't my idea. It was yours."

"They think she's dead. We have to leave it that way."

"I agree. But we are not stopping missions completely. Just more careful of who knows."


"I was thinking, what if this was the assassins get away. The transport vehicle."

"That would mean the assassin is still running around now."

"Call Tony get him down here. We'll split in twos canvas the area. I'll get a few shield agents too. Bucky and Nat. Me and Steve. In case we're dealing with another super soldier. Sam stay in the air yeah? "

"Roger that."

"right then, let's go."


"Keep it under control."

"I'm trying."

"Don't try. Do. Again"


Akilina had stayed still too long. She had to keep moving. Especially now since she seen a Shield associate walk by. A man, blonde and tall, fairly built, he was carrying what could only be described as a uniquely big Frisbee. A pang of fear shot through her as she thought of how much she was outnumbered.

Fear? Fear.

Your a soldier and your scared of people who look like their a little late for halloween.

Pull yourself together.

You don't get scared.

I don't get scared.

I don't get scared.

I am nothing.

I have no place.

I don't feel fear.

What is halloween?

Akilina decided that staying in secluded areas would be best. She was correct. It would be easier for a van to pull over and pull a child into the back of it if people weren't around to see it.


"What's happening?"


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