Chapter 11 - Adventure Time

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5 months later

Bucky knew something big was going down. The base was thick with tension. Bucky knew he'd be wiped for an important mission anytime soon.

Akilina already knew about the whole there's James and then there's the winter soldier.

She knew that James didn't want to hurt people but the bad people or hydra, made him into the winter soldier and made the winter soldier do it.

She knew that if they brought James to the bad chair he wasn't really James when he came back.

James told her all the stuff he remembered so when she came she could tell him.

When he had explained it first she had asked him if it was like the chair doctor Fedorov brought her to. He was confused at first until she explained the whole situation and he then realised why she had been in a worse state than usual.

The situation with doctor Fedorov had a few "successes" they had got a response from her condition after her almost drowning in a tank of water.

Her powers had come out and smashed the glass of the tank, Doctor Fedorov was delighted.

Akilina had been learning control of her condition and so far she was doing okay. She could make them come and go on command.

Her powers to some were terrifying. To doctor Fedorov they were perfect, not her ability to use them. That needed lots of improvement and training. Just looking at her powers he could tell he was going to enjoy the look on people's faces as she used her powers on them.

One of her powers was an odd manipulated form of umbrakinesis.

Umbrakinesis is essentially the powers to create or shape or manipulate darkness.

By itself darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, both as an absence of light and a solid substance.

They can also control and manipulate the things that exist there.

Like creating and dismantling shields and areas of total darkness, create weapons, teleport and even make portals using shadows.

Akilina has so far only displayed the ability to form and manipulate solid matter of darkness.

When she used this power her eyes became black and her skin slightly paler. Her vains became black and seemed to come out of her eyes.

She also showed a form of elemental manipulation. Only 3 of four elements so far water, fire and earth. Getting angry and setting things in fire. Getting scared pushing all of the water above the tank when they tried to drown her again. And earth accured during the day of her abduction but that's not to be spoken of.

Her added strength, agility and healing started showing too. Part of her dna having the super solider serum, this was always expected.

Bucky was aware of her abilities she felt it only fair that he shared about the winter soldier to her that she should share one of her secrets too.

He was surprised and sceptical until she showed him by making her eyes go black and vains appear.

Neither of them have any clue how on earth she has these abilities but once again they just went with it.

He supposed it was a question answered.

Why they chose this child in particular. She was his daughter and she has powers.


Bucky was after just been back from his, to his knowledge successful, mission of killing nick fury.

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