Chapter 33 Part Two

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"you've been a great disappointment. Your recent behaviour, unacceptable. Luckily for you, soldier, your actually worth something around here." doctor Fedorov spoke to Akilina who was strapped down in the chair. The chair used to take her memories away. To wipe her mind clean of morality and emotion, of her self." Akilina just looked blankly at him trying to seem brave and uncaring at the same time. "well Akilina I guess this is goodbye for now. You're going on a long term mission. Very exciting." doctor Fedorov walked out of Akilina's sight line.

She could her noises behind her. Like a machine powering up and metal hitting off metal. " ill tell your father goodbye for you. He's been looking for you Akilina. " doctor Fedorovs shouted over the growing noise from somewhere behind her. Her father, had been, looking, for her? He's lying. Why would he do that he. He is lying. But what -
Akilina spiraling thoughts turned into haunting screams of pain, as electricity shot through her entire body she pulled against the restraints trying to get away from the thing causing her the pain, not getting very far. She wasn't going to last much longer. The last thing she saw through her blurred burning eyes was the sick smirk of Doctor Fedorov walking directly in front of her.


Bucky barnes was officially rid of the winter soldier. In the sense that he was no longer able to become the winter soldier. In other sense as in past tense he was the winter soldier and in his dreams or nightmares he was still the winter soldier. But none the less he could safely say the winter soldier no longer had power over him.

Him and natasha had grown closer. They hadn't been on a date officially but neither could deni something was there between the two of them. It made both of them feel particularly guilty. Here they were having a good time when their own daughter could be suffering. They weren't wrong. But they both had a life to live, after most of their lives being stolen away from them they deserved to start living it the way they wanted. That did in no way shape or form mean the search for little Akilina had stopped no. If they had to destroy every hydra base just to find her they would. They were. Its were they were right now.

Bucky had remembered the location of the hydra base he and Akilina had first met. He, nat, Steve, and Sam where going to infiltrate the building using the element of surprise, neutrelise threats, and either look for Akilina or information on her whereabouts. Not an ideal plan for four people but hey you work with what you got.

The parked the quinjet, gift from shuri, a little while away insuring they did in fact still have the element of surprise, and they did.

They got into the base smoothly. Minimal security meant that Akilina was probably not here. But they could get some useful information from the base. They tried to keep there hopes up as the quietly took down anybody they found.

They came to learn they were correct in thinking Akilina was not there. Though they did come across some information natasha was sifting through on one of the quinjet's computers. "There's evidence to suggest she was moved out of country." Natasha informed. "Can we really trust that information though?" Sam questioned. "no. Not really" Steve answers. "we could look into more bases out of Russia with more than the usual amount of security." natasha suggested. " but we just don't totally rule out the idea she's still in Russia." bucky finishes. Natasha was still going through the files they'd collected when she came across a video. Not thinking too much she clicked for it to play when very suddenly pained screams started to play through the speakers. She paused it quickly. Everyone else in the room had stood to attention being startled by the sudden loud screams. Natasha looked mortified as she stared at the paused screen. The image would forever be burned into her head. "natasha?" bucky questions. Sam ran a hand down his face, he could see the screen. Bucky could see Steve mutter something under his breath a saddened almost angry look starting to form on his face. Bucky walked behind natasha looking directly at the screen. Akilina was being electrocuted in the chair. THE chair. The chair that took your memories away. The chair, one of the things plaguing his dreams. Even the sight of it brought on flashbacks. Seeing his daughter sitting in it, pain written across her features. Tears down her face. Bucky went from choking back a sob and holding back tears to borderline homicidal and enraged. He got a glimpse of someone staring right into the camera. That fucking bastard. Doctor Fedorov. Smiling at the camera filming Akilina being tortured. If bucky ever got his hands on him. He'd gladly give him a taste of what hydra did to him. What they'd made him into. What he was trying to convince himself he wasn't anymore. A monster.

Akilina sat in normal looking clothes, in a normal looking car on her way to a normal looking house with a normal looking family.
Madame bs words ringing through her head. "your mission is once again blend in. Play the part I've given you. Kaylee Morrison. Newly adopted daughter of shawn and Sarah Morrison and sister to Cameron Morrison. A normal little 5 year old girl." normal little 5 year old girl. Normal, little, 5 year old girl.


What the fuck was that.

nevermind this was in fact slightly under 1000. 950 odd. So yeah have a lovely day or night or whatever where ever you are ❤️

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