Chapter 38

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"Вверх ребенок" ( up child ) the harsh voice of trainer Stepanova commanded. Akilina stood slowly, painfully getting back into fighting position. She had a cut on her lip and a copper taste in her mouth. They were sparring except Stepanova was on offence and Akilina was strickly on the defensive.

Stepanova brought her foot down swiftly making Akilina dive to the side and roll back into a crouched position. Stepanova was secnificanly taller than Akilina, her taught was if she stayed close to the ground she could throw Stepanova off. Akilina stayed in that crouched position. Both fighters circling each other as if they were wild animals. Akilina was struggling, she was in pain and not used to not being able to fight back not to mention disoriented by the lack of food in her system. Stepanova sent her fist down hitting Akilina in the nose. Her head twisting to the left followed by the rest of her body crumbling to the ground. "Ты идиотский ребенок. Вы сделали лучше, чем это. Ваше сдерживание. Какое жалкое оправдание для солдата." (You idiotic child. You've done better then this. Your holding back. What a pathetic excuse for a soldier.) The trainer shouted at Akilina as she stood again "Чего вы жаждете? У вас болит голова? Ты хочешь, чтобы ты папа? Если ты будешь продолжать так продолжать, ты будешь мертв, ты здесь я мертв. Я не заставляю вас разрушать мою репутацию. Не обращайте внимания и продолжайте дальше." (What are you hungry? Your head hurt? You want your daddy? If you keep going on like this you'll be dead, you here me dead. I'm not having you ruin my reputation. Suck it up.) Stepanova mocked. Her body screamed at her to lay back down but her pride was telling her the exact opposite, and at the end of it all her pride was all she really had. So slowly she moved back into the fighting position and locked eyes with Stepanova giving her the deadliest glare she could managed and waited for Stepanova to move.

In a quick movement Stepanova's leg was raised for a kick and Akilina dodged to the left. Right. Left. Left. She narrowly obvoided Stepanova's attacks.  Her eyes were blurred but still she prevailed. Stepanovas fist was aimed directly at her jaw. Akilina was getting tired, she needed a way to end this, a memory played in her head. 'Akilina grabbed her wrist pulling it towards herself , she stuck her foot out between Anya's and flipped her over. Not letting go of Anya's arm it was now twisted the wrong way and she definitely heard a snap.' that could work, to a point.

Akilina moved slightly out of the way of Stepanova' s fist, grabbing her wrist as it came scarily close to her head and pulling as hard as her exhausted body could muster. Which apparently was enough to put the trainer on the floor. "super strength idiot" ah yes that little voice in her head. She hadn't heard from them in a little while.

The trainer got up of the floor. "Я не думал, что у вас есть это в вас." Stepanova paused "Мы закончили на сегодня." (I didn't think you had it in you. We're done for today.) Done. That meant Akilina got to go home. Home to a funny Cameron, drunk shawn and neglectful Sarah. To her bed. To food. Thank the heavens.


" what happened today." "what do you mean what happened. Nothing happened." "the asset." "passed today's training." " struggled" " I'd chock that done to environmental issues." " excuse me?" "Well she isn't getting good meals or sleep, environmental issues." " she shouldn't need it. Just admit this is a bad idea and stop it. Send her back to-" " no, somethings happening and I'm curious to see what it is." "that's idiotic-" "it's my disition. She stays."
Tw// metion of suicide.

" I've a text." " yes, and?" " from Tony." "stark" "no" "who-" " yes stark who else?" "alright, okay, what does it say?" Natasha and bucky sat in natasha's apartment eating breakfast after a long night. Nat started reading the text " the kids last name was Volkova I tried it from that angle. Couldn't find anything for a while. Found a death certificate of one aleks Volkova." "do you know who aleks Volkova is?" Nat questions " her brother I think." bucky answers "oh."
Nat continues "Here's what I did find. Aleks Volkova's remains where found in what was left of his burned house. His body was too damaged to identify exactly when he died, however with further investigation his death was ruled a suicide by deadly weapon." natasha paused, looking at bucky who seemed deep in thought." you okay?" "fine, just keep reading, please." "you sure?" "Yeah".

Natasha took a deep breathe before continuing, "the autopsy also revealed that aleks was more than likely physically abused with several abrasions to multiple bones. I'm not going into a lot of detail about him just letting you know the basics. At the house they found three more body, two adults and a young girl, in which they couldn't get a positive ID. The adults died in the fire, but the girls death was ruled suspicious. They could lnt determine a cause just that it wasn't the fire.So either the two adults are dead or not and can be tracked down and questioned."

"Does it say where they could be?" " I haven't seen anything yet." "well what else does it say?" " just that he couldn't find and pictures of the family. Just a screenshot from a police camera. Aleks had ran away and they found him in a playground."

(this is Jaeden Martell BTW)

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(this is Jaeden Martell BTW)

"They were hydra." "yeah and most likely still alive." " they'd be a hell of a lot easier to find too." " Let's tell the others about this, see what kind of a plan we can come up with."

Warnings over <3

Natasha and bucky just finished reading out the text. They had Sam and Steve in person and everyone else on a secure - as bucky would call it - fancy face time or a live hallo graphic transmission.

"ill take another look into that, see if u can find anything he may have missed." shuri spoke out. "that would be appreciated." Nat responded curtly. "ill ask around down hear too." yelena added in. Natasha smiled slightly. "We'll look for more information, see what we come up with, then act on that, Sound good" Steve formulated. Everyone agreed. "Now we have to talk about are recent findings in the last hydra base we raided."

I know ur probably suck of authors notes so I am sorry but this is a kind of happy one so <3

I literally just wanted to say that the song Emily by James arthur is the vibe I'm going for, for bucky and Akilinas relationship. That same song makes me so sad for no reason but it's so good. But yeah that's for reading and sorry for the delay. <3<3

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