Chapter 24 - Fire And Water

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Akilina was being dragged down the empty halls. All that was occupying them were guards here and there, in the base in Russia you would always hear screaming and there was always scientists and what not bustling down the halls. But here it was, eerily quiet.

Doctor Fedorov came to a stop at what looked like a fortified double door. 2 guards either side the door.

"Схватите ее. Посадите ее в кресло. При необходимости примените силу. Grab her. "(Put her in the chair. Use force if necessary. ) Fedorov spoke authoritivly addressing one of the guards.

The guard did what was demanded, they picked Akilina up roughly, squeezing her hard so she wiggled.

They were bringing her towards a tall chair, the guard through her on it slapped her across the face snapping Akilina's head to the side and restrained her limbs to the chair.

The guard then walked back to they're post out side the door. Akilina moved wildly for a few moments, she calmed down and looked at the ceiling.

Alina was biting her lip suppressing a scream of frustration.

Doctor Fedorov was over the other side of the room moving things around, she could only see him. Not what he was doing.

She took this time to take in her surroundings. She noticed that there seemed to be a spectating room looking in, nobody was currently in that room. The wall to her left was glass as well. Scientists observing what was about to go down.

A younger looking woman in a long white coat, another doctor, came over to alina. She started doing a
' routine checkup'.

Checking Akilina's vitals, blood pressure, temperature stuff like that. She took blood and a sample of hair and left.

Not long after doctor Fedorov came back over with a trolly of ' utensils '. Torture devises.

And the real 'fun' began.

The day had only started and Akilina was done with it. The tournament lasted what felt like days but was only a couple of hours.

She was bloody, beaten, bruised, utterly exhausted and being dragged to a special made training room.

It was padded and had targets dotted around the room and a bucket of water in the corner. One of the walls was glass.

Like in the other room it was for observations made by the scientists and doctors that were watching. She could see doctor Fedorov.

"Сегодня вы сосредоточитесь на своих водных способностях "(Your going to be focusing on your water abilities today ) he spoke through a speaker.

" lift the water hit the targets simple."

It was in fact simple. She stretched her hand out towards the bucket and a light blue glow formed around her hands.

All the water from the bucket lifted. She kept it close to the ground. The water was hovering over the floor. She flicked her glowing hand towards the targets she wanted to hit.

She hit every one, there was only ten in the room. The far side of the room was soaked with water.

" put it back in the bucket" a voice rang through the speaker again.

Alina followed orders she raised her hand again the blue a little brighter, alina moved her hand in a circular motion consentrating hard on what she was doing. The water was pulled towards her as if it were rolling down a hill.

She raised her hand slightly and the water lifted.

The door banged open and she lost her train of thought, all the water fell back down with a splash. The glow in her hand gone.

It was Doctor Fedorov " were you told to stop?" he spoke threateningly.

Akilina quickly got back to the task lifting the water once more and putting it back in the bucket. She turned back around to face Fedorov. She got a slap to the face.

" don't lose constentration."

"again" and she did it again.

And again.

And again.

Natasha sat with Sam, steve, t'challa and shuri.

"She wasn't there when we got there. We checked the facility. Dreykov had someone move her and 7 other girls as a precaution in case the threats about someone coming for the red room was real." Natasha informed the group.

"there was no indication to where they were brought?" shuri questioned.

"Nothing. The red room had widow's ."

"Maybe she's not with the replanted all over the globe I have people out there at the moment looking for informationd room?" Sam through the question out.

"anymore I mean"

"it's a possibility. I mean Barnes once said that she went back and forward from the red room to hydra."

"so she could be in" Steve paused "in a hydra facility any where around the world?" he breathed out.

This was his best friend's kid. Steve couldn't save Bucky from hydra. He'd be dammed if he couldn't save alina.

" that's a long list of potential places for her to be and we don't know how much time we have before something erreversable happens ." t'challa cut in.

"we could ask Tony for help." nat threw the idea down.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at her idea.

" what makes you think he'd help?"sam voiced.

" Akilina saved Rhodney. If she hadn't slowed his fall doctors said he'd be either dead or a lot worse off than he was. If Tony won't help even with that I'm sure Rhodney will. And he'd probably convince Tony himself. Or Pepper would make him do it." Nat mused

" can I ask why Stark?" shuri asked.

" with Tony's past in arms dealing he might still have a few sketchy friends around. Some that are willing to look out for a kidnapped 4 year old girl if it doesn't hurt their business. "Nat answered.

"fair point."

"so how do we wanna play this?"

Akilina was getting increasingly tired.

They'd finished with water for the day and had moved onto fire. It took more energy out of her.

With water it was there in a bucket for her to move. With fire she had to make it. And so far she couldn't.

So when the door slammed open and a furious doctor Fedorov stomped over to her saying "Неудивительно, что твой отец не любил тебя "(No wonder your father didn't love you .)

About to raise his hand to hit her again it came as a surprise to both of them when Akilina's hands lit up in flames.

Her hands glowing from a blue into a bright orange and yellow flame. Her eyes a bright blue now, the vanes under her eyes starting to turn a blue as well.

" throw it" the doctor ordered after a minute of silence.

She took a minute. Alina moved her fingers slightly and then closed her fist, took a step back and raised her hand as if she was going to throw a ball and fired.

A ball of fire shot out from her hand and hit a target dead on. It exploded wooden pieces some of witch were on fire.

Akilina turned and looked doctor Fedorov in the eye before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out with exhaustion.

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