Chapter 17 - Family Ties

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"Akilina I need you to listen okay. You need to say hidden. Out of sight can you do that. If anything happens you find one of the people you met earlier okay. I love you" bucky spoke, Akilina nodding a yes when she needed too.

So when him and Sam meet up with the rest of their team Akilina ran in the same direction but stayed on the outskirts of the fight.

Making sure most people were in her sight line in a way she could see them so she could avoid them and they couldn't see her.

Or if they could see her they were on her team.

Like right now wanda had eyes on her after she just stopped the cat man who Akilina still hadn't got the name of from stabbing his claws into her fathers throat.

As the fight continued so did Akilina.

She continued hiding. She continued staying safe. She continued to think.

And thinking is what led her to the conclusion that her dad was leaving her.

He was making his way towards a jet.

The only logical thing she could come up with was the fact the he was going to get on it, without her.

He was leaving.

She had found a hiding space that gave her a good view of what was going on. Her mind only registering what she has hearing was a jet taking of.

Akilina snapped her head towards it.

She knew.

Her dad left.


When Akilina stopped looking at the jet it was because she heard a weird noise. It was getting louder and louder.

She poked her head out of her hiding spot and seen a stray coming straight towards her, barely having time to think about her actions she jumped out and ran.

Not realising she had basically just ran into the middle of the fight.

Her hiding spot exploded behind her.

Clint saw her.

She didn't look scared. She looked almost calm which was weird.

Akilina looked around for the safest place she could go to get out of her position,  out of the corner of her eye she spotted the grey robot man she'd heard someone call Rhodes falling.

She ran toward him.

He was in the sky in a dead fall.

She skidded to a stop and you could see him slow down not my much but as the black wisps increases he slowed down more.

She had slowed him down a fair bit when she felt it.

A searing pain.

Starting on her back and spreading around her entire body. She dropped to the ground in a cry of pain.

Gaining the attention of the few people that could hear her.

Rhodes fell to the ground.

Akilina was twitching and shaking on the ground after being electrocuted the thing electricuting her still in ber back.

She was whimpering in pain and didn't realise clint was there.

"hold on Akilina" she vagly heard.

She could see Wanda being forced to the ground by men she didn't even know had came.

Clint was looking for the taser and once he found it he was quick to remove it.

"your okay. Your okay" he soothed.

Akilina felt a wave of relief amongst her pain. Black spots clouded her vision and she fell unconscious.

When Akilina woke up she was on her own.

She was in weird blue clothes a straight jacket and she could feel something cold around her neck.

She noticed the pain though significantly less was still there.

Her first thought was to get out of the straight jacket.

In the red room they had thought the girls how to get out of stuff like handcuffs and rope. She'd been taught how to get out of a straight jacket.

Sadly it did require to dislocate an arm but she could do that, and pop it back.

So she did. It took about 10 minutes for her to fully get it off.

After about five minutes 4 armed guards and a man in a gray suit walked to her cell.

He ordered for them to put the jacket on again and as soon as they left she took it off again.

This happened about 2 or 3 more times before she got in any real trouble. They turned the metal on her neck on. It was a shock collar.

That didn't stop her she kept taking it off. At this point her body was basically numb.

Akilina didn't like it in the cell it brought back too many memories for her.

She could hear them in her mind, so clear it was almost as if she was still there. screams. Hydra soldiers shouting.

She refused to cry.

Akilina was too stubborn.

She wasn't just going to sit there and let this all happen. Akilina was going to make it everyone's problem that she was in here.

If she wasn't taking the straight jacket off she was walking around the cell. If she wasn't doing that she was glaring at the camera.

When Tony walked into the security room behind Ross he noticed everyone was tense including Ross.

Then he saw the cameras.

Wanda maximoff not looking to good, in a straight jacket with a shock collar.

He looked at a different screen and saw the kid.

Alina, Her straight jacket on the floor, leaning against a wall smiling to herself.

"that's child is a pain in my ass."

"your top security building is being fucked with by toddler."

"move it stark."

Tony was feeling worse seeing her now than he was. Doctors had told him if she hadn't intervened Rhodes would probably be dead, or at least worse off than he was now.

But he put it to the back of his mind he had to focus on Rogers now.

When he'd finished talking with Sam secretly gaining the location of Steve he was on his way out walking towards his parked helicopter.

"did you get the information out of them?" ross asked.

"nope. I did get told to go to hell. But I'm just gonna go back to the compound. Feel free to call ill put you on hold. I love watching the light flash. "

just as he was about to close the door

"the girl"

that caught his attention.

He looked at Ross wanting him to continue.

"did you know she had a family?"

"she's barnes kid."

"are you sure about that. I've a missing child report. Akilina Volkova sound familiar?"

"she's barnes kid."

"her grandmother is getting picked up as we speak."

"good to know" with that Tony slammed the door shut.

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