Chapter 51 - Morality

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Akilina took a sudden breath. The air so cold it caused a sudden sharp pain in her throat. Akilina turned onto her stomach her breathing queazy, a heavy pain in her chest.

Coughing slightly as she sat on her knees Akilina looked around remembering what had happened.

Standing painfully slow she looks back at the tree with a slight glare, taking a small sharp stick from the broken branch beside her. Akilina began walking away.

Water. She needed water. Food too, but she could go without it.

Akilina kept her eyes out for any animals. Not to eat but because they need water, so they'd build their houses not too far from a water source. Though from the looks of it, it was winter. So many animals would be hibernating. Still she kept her eyes open.

Your an idiot.

What? Why?

Your thirsty, looking for water?



Looking down Akilina realised she was in fact an idiot.

She knelt taking snow in her hands and eating it. It was somewhat refreshing.

Akilina just wandered around the woods. It was peaceful and a change of scenery. If she heard any noises she'd hide, being careful to not climb the trees.


"Your not worried?"

"Not at all."


"She wont be gone long and knows better than to go to any populated areas. If she even makes it that far."

"She could already be dead."

"I highly doubt that, she's her fathers daughter, it would be ironic if the winter soldiers daughter died due to winter weather conditions."

"There's been no sightings of her."

"The asset is trained well."

"Your really not worried."

"Not in the slightest."


Two nights had past and Akilina was sure she was going the right way. If Akilina had something to bet with, she'd bet on it.

It didn't take long for her to get back. The heavily guarded gates opening and solders pouring out to escort her back in.

She was brought straight to the hospital Wing. She started shivering. The doctors rushed around. One was looking at her foot another was checking her heart beat. Akilina just sat back and let it happen. Jumping slightly when a doctor grabbed her foot and twisted.

Rebreaking, their rebreaking. You must of broke your foot. It healed wrong. So they have to set it.

"Not a single sighting. I'd say that was a successful training exercise no?" Doctor Fedorov spoke coming into the room.

"I do wonder how you got these injuries though, but I think I could take a guess."

Akilina was beginning to warm up. As soon as Akilina was stable the doctors released her and Akilina was brought to her cell.

When Akilina got back to her cell she was pleasantly surprised with a reward. A bucket of hot water and a new set of clothes.

She striped from her now damp uniform and took a bath in the warm water. Putting on her uniform she went back to the bucket and washed her hair.

Akilina was genuinely delighted. She did good. They rewarded her. She made them proud. Pride swelled in her own chest at the thought of them being proud of her. It's all she really wanted. For someone to be proud. For her to be appreciated. This bucket of water was their appreciation.

This night was different, instead of falling asleep feeling numb or crying Akilina had a small smile on her face. And it stayed all through the night and into the morning as she sat and ate the food she'd been given. Only losing it when she knew Fedorov was coming, her face going back to neutral.

Maybe he won't hit as hard today.

Akilina picked up languages easily. It was a skill of hers. She'd been picking up languages since she could talk by now she'd have to be good at it.

Akilina was just deemed fluent in Xhosa. HYDRA thought it was important she learned Xhosa seeing as hydra traded with exiled people from wakanda for vibraniom and the language spoke there is xhosa.

Learning languages was the only time Akilina talked. She'd get punished if she didn't. But other than the language class she never spoke, rarely making any noise in general.

She was a quiet kid.

"Your a quiet one aren't you?"

Akilina furrowed her eyebrows. She hadn't heard that voice before yet it sounded familiar.

Sighing in frustration she started pacing around the room she was in.

She hated not having some of her memories. Akilina's brain was like a complex jigsaw puzzle except you had to find the pieces too. So when you did find a piece you could still have no idea where to put it. To make things worse she lived in constant paranoia, when were they going to do it again? All the progress would be for nothing. It's not like she could write down her memories to remember later.

Akilina had too many questions too many feelings and she didn't know how to deal with any of it. How could she? It's not like she has a family to talk to, he killed her brother.Or a friend, Akilina betrayed her friend.

Looking back she realised how much pain hydra put her through, but honestly who's bad here. Her or them?

She did those things. Nobody had a gun to her head.

I'm a bad person

I'm a bad person

I'm a bad person


Natasha and bucky were in the kitchen of their apartment hugging. Both slightly teary after a heart felt conversation. They couldn't suppress their emotions for much longer. It was killing both of them.

"I love you" bucky mumbled into nats shoulder his metal arm around her waist and the other placed softly on the back of her head.

"I love you too. "


Doing bad things doesn't make you a bad person.

Ive killed people.

Did you want to?


Kill them, did you want to kill them?

I don't know

No. No you didn't.

Your not a bad person. You just do bad things. There's a difference. You'll learn it soon enough.


Hey just thought id say thanks for all the reads and if you have time maybe check out my other book family ties<3<3<3

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