Chapter 46 - There Were Kids In The Car

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"New mission, simple one at that."

Akilina sat in front of the man, the handler, as people called him. He was known for being the main man in charge of hydra assets, like the winter soldier.

"Simply watch Cameron. Your brother of sorts. We're worried he might be-" he stopped rephrasing his words "might not be accepting his family business."

Akilina raised her eyebrows in both surprise and confusion.

Think. Use that brain of yours. What could the family business possibly be?

Hydra. Shawn's hydra, Sarah is hydra affiliated. He doesn't want to be a part of hydra.

Don't blame him. But if he goes rouge, what do you think they'll do to him?

You think he knows something he shouldn't?

I think he knows you. Your an asset. An assassin, a weapon and a weakness.

So hydra would kill him.

Most likely.


Cameron had came back from his little trip yesterday. He seemed almost closed off at first but snapped out of it rather quickly.

She knew.

As soon as she saw him she knew.

This, wasn't ending well.

Akilina watched from a distance, hiding in the shadows inconspicuously. She watched as he sat with the shield agent. Benefit of the doubt, she'd give him that. She watched as he became paranoid, constantly looking around, jumpy, suspicious of everything around him. This was not the Cameron she knew and loved. This was survival mode Cameron. Not loud, funny, pick you up and through you in the air, buy you ice-cream, kind, caring Cameron. It was if I stop moving I'm dead, looking over his shoulder, anxious, scared, on his own, fighting for his life Cameron. It made her feel useless as she watched him deal with things she'd became numb to with such emotion.

He was scared of hydra, she was numb.

He was angry his father took him to the hydra base, she did that five times a week at least. She envied that. His ability to feel. To choose.


She watched him for a week, as instructed.


She hesitated.

He's going to leave you, you know that right. He'll be on the run and you will be a burden. He won't bother to take you.

He wouldn't, he wouldn't -

Lie? People have done it before he's doing it now.

Do it.


"Agent Simmons?"

"There's a target on your head kid."


"You were being watched. You were with me. If there isn't one. There will be soon."

"I was so careful"

"Target was seen multiple times with a shield agent. Agent Simmons, ex-navy, high ranking, deals with hydra affairs. He's packed a bag sir."


"I'm on my way."

"But my sister kaylee she's not here."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know my dad took her out."

"Doesn't matter, we'll come back for her. We've to get you out, now."


"5 minutes. "

"This is no longer an Intel collection mission. Its an elimination. Kill him. Quickly. Do not be seen."

It was dark, quiet and the air felt heavy.

Akilina was lying on her stomach. Sniper riffle loaded and ready, waiting for target to come to her. She could see the light coming from the headlights of the oncoming car. The feeling of dread creeping up on her.

She was going to kill her own brother.


"But she's alone in that house" Cameron argued helplessly.

He shouldn't of gotten in the car. He should of stayed at home. Protecting his little sister, though he came to find that she could protect herself, he was her older brother, he was obligated to. Even after he found out who she was. She was still his sister. She needed some help was all. He thought no different because he knew the real her. The little girl that just wants to be loved and cared for part.

"It wasn't part of the plan the-the deal."

"Plans change, she isn't in danger at the moment. You are."

"So is she, and im not there to help her."


"She probably thinks I abandoned her, fuck."





Pulling the trigger the car swerved off the road. Driving into a ditch. She stood, reloading the gun, she looked into the ditch. The car mangled and smoking.

No fatalities.

Not yet.

She shot the driver first, he was going for his own gun. Cameron got out of the car. Stumbling, he fell to the ground. His head was bleeding, as was his lip. Glass all over his clothes. She watched as he went to agent Simmons and checked his pulse. Noticing the bullet in his head he became alert and started walking away from the car.

She stayed still,betrayal was consuming her. He was leaving. She continued to stay still even after he spotted her. Tears burning her eyes as she looked at her brother, giving her a soft smile. He'd accepted what was about to happen.

As tears fell down his face he mouthed "its okay, you have to, its not your fault."

She realigned the gun.

"I love you squirrel."




Following quick impulse she shot the gas tank of the car. He flew backwards and she left. If he lived, she'd never see him again. If he died she completed her mission.

Nobody would ever know.

No cameras.

No witnesses.

Just a blazing fire, destroying any sliver of innocence she had left.

Akilina lost a part of herself that day. A part she would never get back. Hydra lost something that day too. Yet they would fail to notice for a long time. Shield lost an agent. A family lost their son. Another lost their daughter. It was a night to mourn. One of the many to come and one of the most painful to of had.


I feal kinda evil for this.

Also I feel to " to of had" is very irish.

To'f had.


Bye lovelys<3<3<3

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