Chapter 16 - Spiderchild

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Akilina zoned out when Sam and bucky started bickering and she only snapped out of it when Steve got in the small car.

His face looked somewhat flushed from what she saw.

"not a word." he spoke.

Sam and bucky were sniggering to themselves and Akilina was just confused.

The next time they stopped they were at another car park looking place but she knew they were in an airport. They stopped next to a car.

Sam and Steve started to get out of the car and bucky helped Akilina out.

She was standing close to bucky. Between him and the car at first glance you probably wouldn't be able to see her.

The people in the other car were also getting out. There was three of them. 2 guys and a girl. They all looked nice.

Akilina in her short life hadn't had a lot of interactions with people that weren't family or hydra. So seeing all these new people was definitely a first for her and so far she was okay.

Everyone she was introduced to so far was nice.

But in the back of her mind it kept reminding her that she thought Doctor Fedorov was nice too once.

One of the guys from one of the other cars was first to speak "Cap" he addresses.

"you know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice" Steve responds.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt" the man answers back.

"Thanks for having my back."

The woman spoke up "It was time to get off my ass."

"How about our other recruit?" Steve questions.

"He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but eh he should be good."

The last man finally speaks tiredly "What timezone is this?"

"Come on. Come on." the first man ushers him up.

"Captain America" the last man states in awe suddenly gaining energy.

Akilina giggles at him in the background.

"Mr. Lang" Steve addresses.

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow. This is awesome. Captain America" the man rambles turning to the woman "I know you too your great" He then turns to Sam "Hey man"

Sam responses with "What's up, Tic Tac."

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve questions.

"Something about some psycho-assassins?" the 'tic tac' guy answered.

Akilina had to think for a minute "psycho assassins" was she one of them?

She knew he was referring to her dad.

But she had killed someone was she a psycho assassin?

Not officially anyway.

"we're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve informs him.

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" the man replied nonchalant.

They start talking plans.

Clint makes eye contact with bucky and gestures to Akilina in a sort of ' can I' motion.

Bucky nods a yes as if to say ' go ahead'.

Clint goes over to Akilina slowly kneeling in front of her.

Bucky moves a way slightly

"hey, I'm clint. That's Wanda and that's Scott" he sticks his hand out for Akilina to shake and she does.

"my name is Akilina or Alina."

"Akilina is a nice name" Akilina smiles at him in thanks "and that's a cool bear. Does it have a name?"

Akilina looked slightly confused at that but responds with a "no"

"what? You can't have a bear with no name. Why don't you give it one now?"

Akilina started to think when the perfect name came to her head "what about fish? "

" you wanna name the bear fish? "

" yep "

" fair enough. The bears name is now fish. "

the conversation ended when Steve said "We should get moving."

Clint answered "We got a chopper lined up."

Suddenly the intercom went off "Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren." (This is an emergency. All passengers must evacuate the airport immediately.)

"They're evacuating the airport." bucky informed

"Stark" sam stated.

Scott questioned "Stark?"

"Suit up" Steve says solemnly.

Akilina was being carried by bucky while him and Sam were looking for something on Sam's drone in the terminal.

Akilina didn't know what, she assumed it was transport, like a plane or jet considering they were in an airport.

Sam radios Steve "we found it. Their quinjets in hanger five, north runway."

They start running towards them when they see a red and blue figure crawling on the windows.

"What the hell is that?" bucky asks confused.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now" Sam deadpans.

The figure breaks through the window smashing Sam onto the ground.

Bucky quickly puts Akilina down and briefly gives her a look. She knew what it meant and went for cover.

Bucky through a punch at the guy.

Spider guy surprisingly caught the punch with ease "you have a metal arm that's so cool" she heard him say.

Akilina decided to call him spider child because he has a spider on his chest and sounds like a child.

Sam then picked him up in hopes of throwing him out but the kid was persistent shouting

"you have the right to remain silent."

The spider child swings around the rafters dodging every shot.

Bucky throws a large piece of metal at him just for the child to catch it and throw it back saying

"hey mister I think you lost this."

While the spider had his back turned Sam hit him off the rafter he was perched on just for him to send Sam into the ground not so gracefully.

The child starts talking to Sam about his wings and Sam replies "I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before but there's not usaly this much talking"

"alright my bad"

he goes to hit Sam down of of the ledge when bucky tries to intervene but ends up getting both of them knocked off the ledge to the ground pinned.

Akilina at this point was bored as per usual but figured she'd be helpful.

While the spider child was talking she came out of her hiding spot, spider child was quick to notice her but was hesitant to web her.

Lifting him into the air with her dark magic, wisps of black circled around his waist.

"what the heck is happening to me" he squeals and tries to shot webs at her but with a simple raise of her other hand they burn on their way towards her.

Akilina lifts up a piece of metal that was lying on the floor with her magic threw it through the window and sent the spider child out after it.

Him screaming on his way out.

Bucky muttered something that Akilina couldn't hear and Sam responded with a simple "I hate you" back to him.

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