Chapter 37

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A/n sorry this was late I had my wattpad writer traumatic event. This is a filler chapter BTW I'm building up to something. I've a question idk if this is just a me thing but like I see writers be like "yeah I got into a horrific car accident and I'm writing this in the hospital so there might be some spelling mistakes" and I'm like eh excuse me tf ☠️☠️ anyways sorry <3 Also I am going to have a little warning for this chapter. It might be a little more triggering then some of my others. Idrk I'm just putting this here to be safe. Tw/ slight toxic Alcoholism.

When they went home Cameron told Akilina to just go to bed. She listened to him, later that night she heard some shouting downstairs but ignored it. They seemed to do that a lot here. Shout that is. It's not like people in hydra or the red room didn't shout. They definitely did. But for three we'll now four people living in the house it was a fair amount.


Akilina was a very mature 5 year old. A common occurrence in children with early childhood trauma. She knew how to do things a normal 5 year old couldn't. She knew how to do things grown adults didn't know how to do. Yet mentally it's a little  odd. Considering she had no recollection of her true self. Of Akilina. I'd say that's normal, for her circumstances .

She can't really process emotions properly. And when Anna asked her questions about herself, and when she had to lie about the answers because she didn't know the answer to them it got her thinking. Why? Why could she do these things? Why can't she answer these simple questions? Why?

It's a very dangerous thing, to ask questions. To have questions. If your blindly loyal you shouldn't have questions. Just directions to follow. For Akilina it was especially dangerous to be questioning things as she was being questioned herself. Was Akilina useful? Is Akilina loyal? Would she be the next winter soldier? The next black widow? Is Akilina worth keeping alive?

For now she was. For now she wasn't being difiant. She killed without hesitation. She trained until she dropped then got back up and pushed herself harder. She was enhanced. And with her they always knew they'd leverage over the avengers. She was a safe guard. For some Akilina was the perfect weapon. Innocent looking child with  deadly capabilities and the insurance that none of the avengers would ever kill her. All the reasons she wasn't eliminated, and of course her stubbornness. She just refused to die, or well stay dead. Nobody can be tortured as much as Akilina had been and not flatline once. I mean the poor girl had drowned. Hydra was bound to make a few mistakes pushing her body's limits too far. They killed her and resuscitated her. She refused to stay dead.


After 3 days of being in the house she'd restarted her training in a near by hydra  facility. It was much harder then the little she remembered doing before.

After 2 weeks she found that Sarah got bored of her easily. Sarah was all excited for a daughter for 2 weeks and then Sarah barley batted an eye at Akilina.

After 3 weeks Akilina found that shawn liked his drink. Cameron had explained it was adult juice. It made people go a little mad, or tired or giddy. It depends on the person. Cameron said that when shawn drank the juice he got angry he also explained that shawn was different to other people when he drank the adult juice.

After 2 months Akilina was extremely fond of Cameron. He'd started calling her squirrel and the nickname was passed around now most people that new her called her squirrel. Cameron found that under the shy closed off exterior there was a sarcastic confident child somewhere in her. It usually came out when she was competing in something. She was indefinitely competitive. He also found that she was very capable of taking care of herself.

After 4 months her slight dislike for shawn had grown significantly. She was a little disappointed. She went from toxic 'households' to another. She was kinda hoping this wasn't going to happen. It was a wrong place wrong time moment. She went downstairs for a drink of water, shawn was there, pissed off. Akilina was just a new target for his rage. She woke up the next day bruised and with a pissed off Cameron that didn't stop shawn though. Apparently he rather enjoyed Akilina as a new punching bag.

After a year things had changed. She had changed. Cameron definitely made her come out of her shell a little more. Of course not fully. Trust issues and all. But she talked more. Her training was going  exceptionally well. They were thinking of sending her on another mission. Akilina had gotten a few memories back. Zoya. Barnes. Volkova. Aleks. Some images like an airport. An apartment. Fighting. Laughing. Screaming. It all came in flashes, which Akilina found extremely annoying.

Akilina started drawing more. She'd particularly enjoyed it when Anna introduced her to it. It was her form of control and she didn't even know it. Every line every colour was her choice. It gave her a feeling of control when she felt as if she had none. ( does anyone else know where I got this from<3) technically she didn't have control. Hydra did. They wanted her to kill. She killed. They wanted her to plant a bomb she plants a bomb.

They wanted her dead. She'd be dead.

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