C H A P T E R 2

374 12 46

Your POV

I woke up to sunlight peeking out the window, it seems like I forgot to close the curtains last night. I sat up and grab my glasses from the nightstand and rub the sleep from my eyes before putting them on, letting the world around me go clear.

I swing my legs to the side of the bed, my feet feeling for my cotton fuzzy slippers in my half-asleep state. I felt them and wore them on my feet before standing up and stretching.

I blink multiple times and look around the room. Amanda was still sleeping soundly so I went to my things and gathered my robes and other bathroom necessities before going into the said bathroom for a bath.

I pour the honey shampoo on my hand and let it comb through my hair, bubbles coating it. I massage my scalp thoroughly and then move onto my rose-scented body wash, delicately using it on my body.

I rinse off and wrap myself in a navy-blue bathrobe before wrapping my wet and messy hair in another towel. I do my facial care and started to dress from my undergarments onto my blue robes. I spray on my sweet chrysanthemum-scent perfume before brushing through my (h/c) locks.

I hum a tune from the song my mother used to sing to me every night as a child. I still remember it to this day as I also sing it to my siblings back home during the summer.

I look at myself in the mirror,before putting on my glasses and grabbing my bag, slinging it on my shoulder before running out the door.

I walk towards the classroom for my first class, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Our professor is a retired Auror and has been teaching for the past 7 years. I take a seat before taking out my book and doing some light reading.

I grab an apple from my bag and munch on it while taking out my quill and small ink bottle and my personal notebook. A notebook where I write sonnets, poems, stories and many more kinds of literature.

I start writing as I finished my apple since the sun was up and it was still breakfast time. I picked up my quill and started on continuing the story.

The Wizard Who Loved

This is the story about a great wizard who had never felt nor knew what love was.His parents abused him and mistreated him since he was young.He had never felt such emotions before,not until she came into his life.Alas,she was sweeped off her feet by another man.Will there be a girl who can mend his broken heart?

How will the next chapter of his story unfold?

I was so engrossed in writing every word that I did not hear the door open, nor did I notice the man dressed in all-black looming over me.

I was only snapped out of my dazed state when I heard his smooth and velvety voice.

"Ms.Crinvelle,may I know what are you doing here so early?" Professor Snape asks me while raising a brow. I hastily close the notebook with a 'thud!' and nervously smile at him before clearing my throat.

"I wanted to be early for classes Professor.And. . .pardon my intrusion but,what are YOU doing here in the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom?" I asked as I tilt my head, confusion and curiosity as well as a tiny bit of cheekiness swirling in my eyes.

"That is none of your business Ms.Crinvelle.Very well,I must be on my way." He said. Before I could say anything else, he turns on his heel, his black cape flying behind him as he walks out the room and I'm left alone in my thoughts again.

Not long after that, students start to pile in the room. I look around until I saw Cassie,my Hufflepuff friend. I wave at her and she takes the empty seat beside me. Everyone shuffles in before our DADA teacher came in.

Meanwhile. . . .

Severus' POV

I left Ms.Crinvelle to her devices and walk towards my own classroom. Those stupid dunderheads are probably already there. I sigh,this day was just another day of teaching dolts.

I burst into the room,silencing the whole class.
"There will be no foolish wand waving around here so keep those to yourselves." I don't really feel like going on a rant today.

"You will be brewing some simple Pepperup potion,page 68 in your books.Follow the instructions and DO NOT MESS UP." I strictly say, loud and clear. Some students tremble while others look away in fright. I hide my smirk and command them to begin.

Not too long after, I hear an explosion and turn my head to see a boy who's face was coated black from the explosion. I sighed as I feel a headache starting to form.Idiots.

I walk over and lectured him about how he forgot some ingredients and his stirring direction was wrong. If only Ms.Crinvelle was here, she would be able to make this potion without any stupid mistakes.

Ms.Y/n Grace Crinvelle, a 6th year Ravenclaw, and one of the smartest and bearable students in my opinion.

She was gifted with knowledge and maturity, both physically and mentally. She's cool-headed but can be clumsy sometimes. She doesn't act like a know-it-all as well and has a way of understanding things.

She's a good example of what a student should be in Hogwarts. I'm surprised she's not assigned as a prefect. She might be soon,with her wit and leadership, there's no doubt.

I shake my head as I erase the thought. Why was I thinking of her in the first place? Nevertheless, I shrug it off and continue terrorizing the students.

After that class, I walk out of the room and start my journey to the Great Hall since lunch will be starting soon. I turn my head to see (h/c) locks swaying in the wind, a figure sitting down under a tree, as they writes something on a parchment.

They seem to notice me staring as they stop and looked up and my onyx black eyes clash with beautiful shades of (e/c) as the light from the sun makes them shine.

A/n:Okay so made this nearing midnight so I'm more than likely sleep-deprived but anyways!Hope you guys like this chapter!Votes and comments are very much appreciated!Lovelots and see you in the next chapter!!


Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now