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Severus' POV

I watch as Ms.Jaxx and Ms.Arqaine leave the room,the door closing behind them with a click.My mind reeling,trying to come up with answers as I try to comprehend what they had just told me.

Ms.Crinvelle was in the hospital wing.That had struck something in me and I bolted out of the classroom,straight towards the hospital wing.My feet drag me in as I open the door,my eyes immediately setting onto the Headmaster who was standing beside Ms.Crinvelle's bed.

I approached him as calmly as I can.He looked towards me,hearing my echoing footsteps and his gaze on me is rather expectant.As if he was waiting for an explanation of some sort.

I cleared my throat and looked towards the girl who was asleep on the hospital bed.Her face held a peaceful expression as her chest rose and fell with each breathe she took.

"Did you perhaps see Ms.Crinvelle last night,Severus?" He asked me,as I try not to loon towards him and keep my attention to the student.I did not answer his hanging question.

Third Person POV

"Perhaps had a small tea-and-stargazing trip with her in the Astronomy Tower?I have attended one of her little night tea stargazing trips there.So has Minnie." Albus explains as he watches the girl in front of them.Albus could've swore he saw a very familiar crest glow ever so slightly under her clothing,and it could be easily be mistaken as a trick in the lighting.

But this was Albus Dumbledore.And he knew there was more to that crest than he himself knew for the time being.

His eyes trail to Severus as he watches the Potions Master watch the Ravenclaw student lying on the bed,asleep.He then cleared his throat making Severus look up at him with a raised brow.He then started to speak.

"Why don't we go for a walk,Severus?I'll explain her condition to you on the way." Albus said as he started walking towards the doors.He turns around to see the Potions Master gazing at the girl before turning on his heel and following Albus.

Albus held himself back from raising a brow and letting out an amused smile.He knew that look.That glint in the potions professor's eyes was something he was very familiar with.

Nonetheless,Albus stayed silent as they walked out of the Hospital Wing.Albus and Severus walked down the path,seeing multiple students pass and go.Some in groups,in duos and some would prefer to work alone.

"She was attacked,Severus." Albus spoke so suddenly,startling the poor man beside him ever so slightly.Severus' onyx orbs trail towards the headmaster,obviously asking to elaborate on what really happened.

"Minnie found her unconscious at the feet of this unidentified creature.It had a knife in it's hand or so that's what Minnie said.She suspects that Ms.Crinvelle was going back to her dormitories when she was attacked by this creature.Minnie thinks that the creature was gonna take the unconscious student." Albus said as they kept on walking,aimlessly towards the dungeons,or Severus' office.Severus was silent so Albus took his silence as an invitation to continue.

"Minnie and a Gryffindor prefect brought her to the hospital wing and she's still unconcious.We don't really know when she'll wake up but Poppy said that she will be fine." Albus said thoughtfully.You were one of the smartest and toughest students he knew.You were also the kindest and friendly to all,not caring about pureblood supremacy.You weren't gonna go down because of a petty attack,but nonetheless,Albus knew they had to be careful.

You were still a student that had gotten attacked and it was more than likely not gonna be the last time that this will happen,especially to you who was the first victim.

They reach Severus' office as the potions master enters while Albus stays by the door.He watches Severus take a seat in his desk and look towards him again.Albus gives Severus a reassuring smile,as if to tell him everything will be alright without words being said.And with that,Albus Dumbledore left the dungeons,leaving the "Dungeon Bat" to think over the whole ordeal and explanation given to him by the Headmaster.

Meanwhile,you had just slowly woken up from slumber,feeling slightly weak and light-headed as you tried sitting up.You,somehow,managed to sit up on your own and looked around the room.You could recognize this room anywhere.You were in the Hospital Wing.

With pretty much failed attempts to gain your most recent memories,you look to the side to see a vial sitting idly at the side table near your bed,along with a small note.You reached out and took the note in your hands.

'Drink this immediately when you wake up.Stay in bed until I come back.Do not get out of bed.'

-madam pomfrey

Welp,guess you aren't getting up soon.You took the vial in your hands,took the cork off and drank the liquid in the vial.It had left a bitter taste in your mouth,but surprisingly,you had managed to take it well.You put the cork back onto the vial and placed it back where you found it in the first place.

You stayed seated on the bed,the blanket covering you from your neck was now on your waist level down to your feet.You looked outside,the window that was glowing an orange-purple hue.It was most likely the sun setting,as you turn your head towards the clock,your suspicions were deemed correct.

Your POV

It was about 4:57 p.m. in the afternoon.57 minutes after the golden hour,where the sun shines a golden beautiful hue and is an amazing sight to see.I sighed as I lean back on the headboard of the bed,looking down and fiddling with my hands as I try to regain my most recent memories.It was all muddy and a blur to be honest.

I fiddle with my fingers,bending it and rubbing it,not really sure of what to do.My ears twitch as I hear the door being opened and I turned my head to see if it was Madame Pomfrey coming back,but alas,I was slightly surprised to see Headmaster Dumbledore at the door.
(A/n:Dumbledore at the door pfft-)

He smiled,seemingly happy that I'm awake.I smile back as he started walking towards my direction.He reaches me and gestures to the edge of my bed.

"May I?I would like to as a few questions,Ms.Crinvelle.If that is alright with you." He said in a calm manner,as if knowing the answer already.

I nod my head in agreement.
"Of course,Headmaster."

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