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It's been two whole years since you slipped in a deep slumber.You've grown to become such a fine woman even though you were asleep.Your hair grew longer and your features became more beautiful.Your family kept you clean and pristine as you grew in your sleep.

Severus stayed.He kept coming to visit through the past years that came and go without haste.He always talked about his day to you,even if you didn't really respond and he always brought something or did something for you.He read to you,brought flowers and other things while you were in comatose.

But alas he didn't come today,he was too busy grading papers of those doltish humans that he call students.He was slightly grumpy because he couldn't visit the now woman he loves.He always loved to see you,but even though the chaos that you faced had died down,he was still a tad bit sad that you hadn't woken up.He longed to see those eyes of yours flutter and finally let him gaze into those hypnotizing [e/c] orbs of yours.Wanting to hold you close to him and let him know that you were there,that you were awake and alive.

Your family kept moving forward but they also visited.Always leaving one or two family members to guard you and stay with you if something ever happened.Even though for the last two years,you didn't really show signs of waking up any time soon.

Severus came in the room as you laid on your bed,same as always.He sighed and took in a deep breathe before walking towards your bedside,a bouquet of flowers in his hands as he gazes on your body.

"Hello there,my love..." He started as he placed the bouquet of flowers on your bedside table.He stood there,taking your now warmer hands in his as he breathed in and out.

"I miss you....everyone misses you..The students are starting to wonder where big sister [Y/n] is..." He chuckles at the last part of his sentence.He always knew the student body loved you.They all relied on and came to you in different ways.You were a big sister to everyone after all.

"The professors are also looking for their star student you know...and me...I'm waiting for the love of my life to wake up.." He said,tearing up slightly at the end of his sentence. Though two years had passed since you slipped in the plane between life and death,his feelings that chained his heart to you never changed.If anything,it only grew more stronger with each day that passed by.

"...We miss you,darling...so please.." He begged,not even caring if you couldn't hear him.He just wanted you to wake up,he couldn't take this suffering any longer.

"....Please wake up..." He said,the sentence sounding like a desperate plead from his lips.Hoping that maybe,just maybe you could hear him and fulfill that selfish wish of his.

He left with a heavy feeling in his chest,not before giving you a kiss on your forehead like he always did for the past two years.Your family next visited after him,talking to you as if you could hear them,just like he does as well.All of them hoped that one day,you would wake up and hoped that it would be soon.

And then one day,you did.

The healers were frantic and panicking,calling your family to inform of your awakening.Healers were crowding you with questions as the other healer called for your family.Albus and Minerva raced through the hallways of the old castle Hogwarts,nearly sprinting towards the dungeons.

They barged in the room without even knocking,nearly giving Severus who was grading essays a heart attack.And the one sentence that flew from Minerva's lips sent him sprinting off to St.Mungo's immediately.Severus felt nearly intoxicated with the adrenaline that was dashing through his veins.

He felt light,like every burden he carries just disappeared when he heard Minerva utter the news that he had been waiting to hear for so long.

"[Y/n] has awaken." It was so simple yet it felt like a miracle,too good to be true.He apparated immediately after getting out of school grounds.His hands were getting clammy and sweat was dribbling down his forehead but did he care?No,not one bit.Because all that mattered for him right now was that you were awake.You were alright.And you were alive.

He arrived in front of your room,standing in front of your door seeing through the window that your family surrounded you.Your mother holding your hands in her own and she was talking and sobbing at the same time.His heart was pounding in his ears and he wasted no time in opening the door,making everyone's attention turn to him.

He looked straight into your eyes.Those eyes that held endless galaxies,the eyes who saw through the wounded and the eyes that saw the good man in him.Those [e/c] eyes that shone whenever you're excited or happy.You looked at him with those luminous eyes of yours that enchanted him in multiple ways.

He slowly walked up to you,blood rushing and everything felt foreign.He suddenly felt all hyper aware of his surroundings.Your family watching him with their eyes that held a calculating gaze.Your hair was let down and not tidied up but in his eyes,you looked so beautiful.Your figure being shone down on by the Sun's rays.It made you look more ethereal than any goddess he could meet.

"....[Y/n]..." He spoke your name in a breathless manner,considering that he sprinted out of Hogwarts and apparated straight to here,he wasn't really surprised.He wobbly sauntered towards you and sat on the edge of your bed,giving you a tearful and happy smile.He noticed that spark of curiosity and confusion swirling in your eyes.He furrowed his brows, worry evident on his face.

"Is something wrong,[Y/n]?" He asked as he looked at you.You shook your head and looked at him with a guilty smile before uttering out a question that made his heart drop.

"I'm really sorry but..." You started before looking straight into his eyes and finishing your question with a guilty look painted on your face.

"....Who are you again?"

....To be continued....

Author Amaya:And that's the end of the book for today!!!I'm so happy that I reached this far and no,this is not the end of this book.

I won't be publishing the next book sequel to this yet but I hope you enjoyed reading this book!

See you next time!!!<3

Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now