C H A P T E R 2 5

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After hours and hours of waiting,the healers finally came out of the room you were taken in,looking exhausted and just utterly tired.One of them was pushing a tray of equipment and the arrow that pierced through your body.Severus immediately stood up and walked towards the group of healers.

"How is she?" He said,trying to ground himself.He was hoping that they would say you're alright,praying to Merlin that you made it through your fight with death.The healer in front of him spoke cutting off his thoughts.

"Are you a family member?" The male healer asked while looking at Severus with a gaze he can no fathom.Severus paused.He wasn't.

"No,but I know her family.I'm a close friend of her parents." He lied,wanting to know so bad what could have happened to you.His heart was beating so fast,his eyes dilated and frantic with worry.

The group of healers looked at each other before they answered.The male healer in front of him cleared their throat before facing Severus with a stern but somewhat solemn look on his face.

"She's fine now.We managed to get the arrow out of her system without harming her organs but...." The healer hesitated,looking at Severus who was getting more and more worried as well as agitated.

"Tell me." Severus said.The healer nodded and finished his sentence.

".....we don't know when will she wake up..." The healer said before adding another sentence,not knowing that Severus's world was slowly crashing down with each word that came from the healer's lips.

"She's in a coma and needs a lot of rest...We'll try to tube her up so that her body could consume food and drinks...Everything depends on her now...if she wants to wake up or not..I'm sorry,we've done all we could...Excuse us.." The healer said before walking away from Severus who was frozen in shock,as he hears his heart slowly cracking up.

A million thoughts ran through his head.He was relieved to know your alright,that you were still alive and breathing,but at the same time he could not believe that you had now slipped to a coma.He never even had the chance to tell you that he loves you.How much he adores you,and how he fell for you.He wobbled a little towards the white walls of the hospital before his legs gave up in him,sending him down onto the floor.The tears that he tried so hard to keep at bay came running down his cheeks as he felt the world cave in.

He was wrecked to know that there was a possibility that you might never awaken.The possibility that you might just give in and leave him alone in this cold and cruel world.The thought of that possibility alone tore his heart to pieces.It broke the font that he had carried throughout his life.That cold and horrid man that the people thought he was,was now crying over the fact that he could lose the person that his heart yearns for.

An hour later,the whole Crinvelle family came along with Albus and Minerva who comforted Severus while they all waited for the go signal to be able to go in your room.When they were allowed in,Severus wasted no time in dashing forward,his stomach churning at the sight of your pale face and slightly blue lips.He immediately took a seat beside your bed and held your smaller hand in his,almost wincing at how cold it was.

He was thankful for Poppy's push or else he wouldn't have gotten you at the hospital in time.It would devastate not only him,but the whole school to lose someone like you.You were a friend,a sister,a teacher and everything in between.You looked out for everyone and they adored you.He could not even imagine a world without you in it.Everyone in the room was either silent or sobbing.Severus put his head down on the edge of your bed,just by your hand silently sobbing.

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry,I...I nearly lost you..." He choked on his words as he muttered multiple apologies.He did not know if his words could reach you but he hoped that it would.He left along with Albus and Minerva to let the Crinvelle family have a moment with your sleeping self.It pained him to no end hearing your mother yelling for you to come back to them,to wake up and smile at them like you used to do.

After that,he stayed there with you in your room for the night.Not even bother listening to Albus and Minerva's disagreement on his decision,he didn't want to let you out of his sight.No,not this time.He was downright traumatized when you disappeared and look where your disappearance led you right now.In bed,sleeping,not knowing if it was temporary or for eternity.

He looked down at you,gazing at you with remorse and love filling his eyes.He loved you so much that it hurt him to know that you might never get to hear him say it.Never hear that words he wanted to say so badly,not feel his hugs nor be able to feel his kiss if you permitted him to.

With all the strength and love in him,he bent down hovering over your face,before planting a kiss on your lips like how a prince would in those childish fairy tales.He then placed a soft kiss on your forehead before putting a strand of your hair behind your ear,caressing your cheek with his hand.

"Please....I beg of you..." He started as tears started to well in his eyes.He could feel the blood rushing in his ears,how bloody and broken you looked flashing in his memory.

"Do not leave me in this cruel and horrid world alone....I cannot live without your existence beside me..." He confessed to your sleeping self,wishing that you had heard his words.

And maybe,just maybe you did.

Author Amaya:Okay,this is the last chapter before our epilogue!!I hope y'all enjoyed tho roller coaster ride and have been emotionally damaged by yours truly!!

Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now