C H A P T E R 7

252 11 39

Your POV

I was currently by the Black Lake,reading one of my books as usual.I kept to myself as usual,but I knew whispers and gossip fly with my name in them.

How some girls think I was a snobbish wanna-be out of jealousy.How boys plan on making a move on me,trying desperately to gain my affection.Or how the younger students want to come into my study group but are too shy to ask or even approach me.

I sigh,I can already imagine the rumors going around the school.I let myself read a few more chapters of my book before putting a book mark in between the pages and closing the book,laying it by my side.

I close my eyes,letting myself rest leaning on the trunk of the tree I'm resting on.I listen as the trees ruffle slightly as a breeze passes by.I let the silence linger as a sigh escapes my lips.

"Relaxing are we,Ms.Crinvelle?" I jumped at the voice near my right as I turn my head and open my eyes to see the all-known Dungeon Bat,Professor Severus Snape.

He was looking out the lake,his onyx eyes filled with nostalgia for a reason unknown to me.I turn back to the lake and nodded silently,letting a comfortable silence linger between us.The leaves fall every other while as the trees ruffle in the wind.

I let a small smile plant itself on my lips.This was a rare occurance,feeling leisure with someone nearby.I somehow felt my fear and anxiousness fade into nothing as I relax here with the all-black clothed professor.

I unknowingly started humming a soft tune for the time being,oblivious to the eyes that trailed down my figure as I gaze upon the wonderful scenery in front of me.

I take out my pocket watch from under my clothes and look at the time,we did not have classes the rest of the afternoon and I'm kind of craving some tea right now.I let my eyes wander off to the man beside me,contemplating my options before deciding.

I started to pack my books away and swung my bag over my shoulder.
"Leaving now,Ms.Crinvelle?" He asked,a tone I had not heard of him using before laced in his voice.

I nodded before pursing my lips and taking a deep breathe.I can't back out now,and besides what was wrong about inviting a professor for tea?

"Professor," I began.He turned his head towards me,quirking a brow in silent questioning.I gulped before looking up at him,feeling a bit shy.

"If you would like it,I am going to have some tea at the Astronomy tower later tonight. . .That is,only if you would like.-" I stopped speaking for a moment before letting must speak naturally with a soft and gentle smile.

"It would be a pleasure if you had tea with me while enjoying the view of the stars tonight.Excuse me professor." I say with a gentle smile before turning away and walking back to the castle,leaving behind a baffled man to contemplate on my offer.

I roam around the castle,letting myself get lost as I stop to see a mirror.There is writing that I can't seem to decipher on the mirror.I step closer,dropping my bag a few feet away from me as I near the mirror.

I look at it intently as my reflection begins to shift.A family of 3,no it was 4.A black-haired boy and a seemingly younger (h/c)-haired girl.

Then I reappeared along with a very familiar man beside me.My eyes widen as the image of his face begins to clear.

Professor Snape.

I furrow my brows in confusion as I felt my heart rate increase ever so slightly.In the mirror,the two children run to me and Snape.The blacknette boy jumped towards me as I catch him in my arms,smiling and laughing as if there was no tomorrow.While the (h/c)-haired girl shyly went towards Severus who gave the shy girl a gentle smile as he took her in his arms while I held the boy in my own.

Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now