C H A P T E R 1 3

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Third Person POV

When you woke up,it was already dark outside and Madam Pomfrey was already there.But what made you slightly jump was that your Potions Professor,Severus Snape,was asleep.His head was on lying on the side of your bed,his face peaceful and far from the scowl he usually had.

Your gaze then traced down your arm and what caught your sight made your face burn with embarrassment. You were holding onto his sleeve while sleeping. You blushed red and turned your head away but you didn't feel like removing your hand from his sleeve.You didn't want to.

You felt a strange but somewhat pleasant warmth in your chest as your gaze wandered to your Professor once again.

He was always so tense, and you somehow felt like he was always guarded.Like he was closed off,and somehow maybe even a tad bit afraid of being close to others again.You had a thing for seeing through disguises and facades, it was a skill taught to you by your great grandfather.

You somehow felt a bit special, knowing that with what happened earlier, he was allowing you to be close to him.With you, he felt like he couldn't hide, no, he didn't need to hide anything for you would never judge him.

Before you could stop yourself or even comprehend your own actions, your other vacant hand had found it's way on his head, caressing his hair in gentle mannerism.Your face held a gentle look on your features as you softly patted your professor's head.

Your focus was completely directed to your professor that you completely missed the look of slight shock in Madam Pomfrey's face or when the door opened ever so slightly and Albus peeked in,smiling knowingly and gently at the sight of the 6th year Ravenclaw star student being all soft and gentle on the Potions Master.

Your POV

I was then startled by the door opening wide and behold,our Headmaster looking straight towards me.I retrieve my hand and look down, embarrassed to have been caught even though I did no wrong.He walked towards Severus and I, grabbing a spare blanket from the side and putting it over Professor Snape's hunched over figure.

I looked up at the Headmaster, who was already looking at me.He smiles as if he saw nothing, I did not know if that was a good thing or not.I look back at the sleeping man beside me and smile, for not much reason really.I always knew he had trouble sleeping, as I deal with the same problem.Sometimes I spent my night sneak out tea-stargazing trips in silence,and I see him pass by the hallways even though he doesn't notice me there.

This man was a mystery that I had yet to unfold.A puzzle with scattered up pieces.An incomplete piece of art.Sure,he's not the best in talking or even interacting with students,but he is a great teacher.He pushes us and wants us to learn and pass and graduate without regrets.He had good intentions,he just didn't know how else to show it.I might even call it rough love,the way he's rough and cold towards students but in reality,he just wants the best for them.

I snap out of my daze as I heard Professor Dumbledore clear his throat.My face burned with embarrassment once again,being caught by the Headmaster staring at your professor. Gosh, how embarrassing so!I look down to avoid the Headmaster's gaze but he just chuckles and sighs.

"He's a mystery,is he not?Professor Snape that is." He said, in a knowing manner.I stare before realization hits me and I sigh with a smile, shaking my head slightly.Legilimency of course, I've only been having private training sessions for Occlumancy during the past summer. I had mastered Occlumency easily as I have been training since I was young.

"Indeed,a mystery that nobody seems interested in unfolding.And a mystery that does now want to be solved." I said wistfully, not noticing the playful look in the old man's eyes.

"Your thoughts are poetic, Ms.Crinvelle.In a lovely way of course." He complimented. I smile and look up at him, nodding my head in silent thanks for his statement.

I then felt someone stir beside me.I look back and the blacknette professor stirs but goes back into slumber.I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding,making me internally laugh at my silliness.

Headmaster looks at me with an amused smile before silently bidding goodbye and walking out the room.I pull my knees up to my chest and kept on watching the peaceful sleeping professor.I lean my head on my arms that were folded on top of my knees as my cheeks felt slightly warm.

Madame Pomfrey comes by and checks up on my condition. Thankfully, she said I was getting better and I would be free to go tomorrow noon.I nod and thank her but as she turns to leave,she stops and looks over her shoulder.

"Please take care of Severus for me,dear." She said,directing the sentence to me.I smile and nodded as my eyes wander back to the sleeping potions master.He was a wonderful guy,to be honest.He's just a bit,shy in a way,and maybe insecure.Though I can definitely see a wonderful and kind man behind that cold disguise,he just needs someone to set him free.

To make him feel,important,loved and cared for.He's been hurt,I can tell and. . . .guilty.I can see the guilt behind his eyes,his soul begging to be for a chance but nobody has ever given him this.

My hand finds it's way towards his face as I tuck the loose strands of his black hair behind his ears.He was handsome,yet I sometimes wonder if anybody else had thought of this fact.In fact,he was a handsome man in my eyes.

Though what caught my attention about him was his heart.His pure and golden yet bruised and broken heart.Something so fragile that should be always taken care of.And I promise,that if he ever finds someone to love,I will make sure that they will never hurt him.

Author Amaya:Eyo,happy updates!!! Damn,I'm currently working on a science activity,buying materials and all that but getting lost in the mall was not part of the plan!😆But still,hope you guys liked this chapter!!

Votes and comments are highly appreciated!!Love lots and see you next time,little witches!!


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