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"How much longer will we wait, Master??" A cloaked figure asks a man who wears robes of blood red and black.A rather creepy choice of colors but okay.The man in red and black looks over his shoulder before answering.

"Do not worry.She is slowly losing hope and it won't be long until Nirvana takes over her body." Arnold chuckles darkly as he looks over the foliage from the second floor of his home.

He knew this was wrong.He knew the girl in his basement was innocent,but his conscience was already lost.You were very stubborn refusing to eat and sleep,it had been a month since your capture and your resolve was strong as steel.

You were growing weak and it would be a hassle for Nirvana to use a weak vessel,much to Arnold's dismay,he made sure that you ate and went to sleep,some days he even had to sedate you for you to sleep.You sometimes cried in your sleep,he noticed. Murmuring somebody's name as tears fall from your eyes as you dream.You were murmuring one single name and it stuck to him like a mantra in his head.


It was always that name that fell from your lips.The way you'd say his name with great longing,as if your heart was the one speaking.It reminded him of himself when he was pining for Dorothy.The way his roommates would say that he murmured her name in his sleep in the night.It didn't really take a genius to know that you were in love with that man named Severus.

But through the past days,he once questioned you about it.Asking who this person you were somewhat in love with,which made you flush in embarrassment not really knowing you talk in your sleep.

"Hey kid." He actually knew your name,he just thought that you would be uncomfortable for a stranger to call you by your given name.You look up from the chair you were chained at,tilting your head in silent questioning.

"You love him,don't you?That Severus,whoever he is,you love him." He said in a firm manner yet there was an underlying tone of teasing in his voice.The sentence alone made you poof like a tomato and you started sputtering claims of denial,while shaking your head left and right.

Arnold,though being the villain of the tale,couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.It seems like she didn't even know it herself until he pointed it out.He stops laughing,trying to regain his breathe as he looks at the red faced girl in front of him.He hears her let out a sigh.

". . . .I don't know yet,okay?All I know is that I care about. . .him,and that I want him to be happy no matter what.Is that too much to ask for?" She confesses,still a tad bit red in the face.Arnold,slightly smiles as he lets himself and the girl in front of him bask in this vulnerable moment in between the chaos they were in.

A pause in the ever moving chaos in their lives,where they are just strangers talking rather than enemies.Arnold liked this,not that he'll ever admit it out loud but he somehow felt light,talking to this girl he had captured in this way.He didn't feel like a villain even though deep down,he knew he was the villain of this story.He still blames her grandfather for making him behave this way though.That will never change,no matter what.

"I was once in love as well. . . .Though it didn't really end up well.My heart was shattered when the girl I had loved went out with someone I really trusted.It hurt a lot. . . .The pain was so hard to deal with. . ." Y/n listened to him,letting him be vulnerable for one moment.Letting herself see a part of her captor.She wasn't supposed to go doing this.She was supposed to be thinking of something to help her escape this hell hole.She was miserable,not to mention deep down in her guts,she was still afraid.She was still terrified and the yearning for her secret beloved was getting worse as each night passes.Her heart hurt in both agony and pain whenever she thought to herself that she might never see him again.

She misses him,even though she would never admit it out loud,she did.She denied how she feels,claiming to herself that this stupid crush on him was just admiration as a role model,but alas,her heart spoke otherwise.She was quite frustrated to be honest.She has heard her heart and mind argue about a lot of things,but this particular problem was the longest argument they had.Gosh,her heart and mind were gods at debating.

This was wrong,she would think.

But it felt so right,and so good,her heart would fight back no matter what her mind would say.

You shouldn't do this,her mind spoke.

But you can't stop it,her heart snapped back.

She was going crazy.Crazy for how much he misses him and her family.How much she misses her school and her friends.How much she wants to be in the comfort and safety in his arms.She was tired of everything going on.Being chased and captured isn't really ideal for a witch in all honesty.

She was snapped out of her mind when she felt something poke her by the neck.Her eyes widened when she suddenly had the urge to faint and sleep.Her head started pounding and her ears were ringing.Her eyes went glossy as she realized what happened.Her captor had just given her a sedation and she couldn't do anything about it.

Her mind went back to Severus.Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach.What if he never finds her?What if she never sees him again?The thought alone made a tear leave her eyes as she let her glossed over orbs go up to look towards her captor.

This reminded her that even though he was kind to her moments ago,some people will always be the villain of the story.And there was nothing you could do about it as your vision went dark once more like before.

Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now