C H A P T E R 1 9

175 5 76

Third Person POV

Ever wonder how,Y/n and Severus' story began?Well,if you're that curious,I guess I don't have a reason to keep that part of your lifetime away do I?Are you ready,let's take a walk down memory lane.

~Flashback to your First Meeting~

Your POV

I was running like I was being chased by a three-headed dog,panting and sweating profusely.And for your information,no I did not bump into another student like me as my valuables fall to the ground and our hands touch on the last item and we look into each other's eyes, suddenly strucked with Cupid's stupid arrows.

This is no cliché love story but I had experienced being enchanted.I was running until. . . .


I fell on my bum and look up to see black intriguing orbs looking down at me.A man in black robes,his demeanor both cold and guarded,an air of aloofness around him,and his eyes boring holes into my frozen figure.Though his eyes were beautiful,they were cold and. . .empty.

I had no idea what in Merlin's name came over me when I opened my mouth but I knew I regret nothing of uttering the words which was true in my perspective.

"A beautiful void."

My hand flew to my mouth as I look away in embarrassment from what I presume is a professor,basing on his smell coming off his robes,I could tell he was making potions before encountering me.Having trained to have sharp senses can have a lot of benefits.

I could see him raising a brow at me from the corner of my eyes as I scramble to get myself off the floor and start to profusely apologize before running away from the scene,leaving a slightly intrigued professor in the hallways.

~At The Greenhouses,3rd Year~

Severus' POV

I was on my way to the greenhouses,practically in front of the door but I stop,my hand hovering on the handle as my ears twitch to listen to that beautiful melody of what seems to be a violin and humming of the person playing it combined.

I furrow my brows in confusion.It's currently free time for the students,surely no students would be lingering and I do not have knowledge on any other teachers who play such an instrument.

I hesitantly open the door and peek inside,hand ready to pull out my wand incase it was a break-in.I let my eyes wander until it went to her.One of my smartest students,in her blue robes,playing the violin wholeheartedly.Eyes-closed and a small smile decorating her gorgeous features.

Miss Y/n Grace Crinvelle.
A very smart and humble Ravenclaw.
Kind,beautiful and rather mysterious as the students passing by my classroom would say.

I did not know why I had not done anything to stop her performance and just get back to my quiet classroom. Was it because I found her playing magical to the hearing?Or maybe it was her graceful and delicate movements that caught my eye?

His thinking was cut off by a squeak and his gaze travels towards the girl who was looking at him with wide eyes and slightly crouched posture.She blinked owlishly before tilting her head at him.

"P-Proffesor.I didn't notice you there." Y/n murmured,more to herself than to him.

Severus clears his throat as he straightens his posture before raising an elegant brow at the seemingly embarrassed girl before him.

"Indeed.You were rather in the zone as you played,I am not in much of a hurry.Is there a problem of me watching?" He asks the girl who furiously shakes her head.

"No sir!I just don't think I'm that good to be listened to yet.." She explains,rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

For some odd reason,he was not quite pleased with her answer,which clearly shows her slight insecurity of her talent.

"Nonsense,I believe it is rather pleasing to hear someone play a piece so beautifully." He says,surprising both himself and the girl in front of him.

Y/n just smiles while raising a brow at her rather peculiar professor.He was a bit odd in other people's opinion,but to her,that just made him a whole lot more interesting.

~4th year,Yule Ball~

"Are you not gonna dance,professor??" The words escaped her lips before she could think about them.Her hand flies to her mouth as the black-haired professor looks at her rather more amused than annoyed.

"I'm afraid I will not,for I am not really interested in the activity.How about you,Ms.Crinvelle?Are you not gonna dance with your partner?" Severus asks Y/n who looks up at the enchanted ceiling and thinks.

"To be honest,one of my friends had to drag me out of the dormitories.She said that I should enjoy myself,even though I was totally fine with a calm night reading session with tea." She explains rather sheepishly to which his lips slightly curl up in response.They stand at the side,just basking in their silence in their own world as if the party in front of them was just a blur.

~End of Flashbacks~

It has been quite the adventure for them.And with each trial and obstacle they face,they always seemed to have each other's backs,no matter how much they deny that they do so.

Y/n is curious about him,he's a mystery that she wants to unravel.She's patient,and is willing to wait for him to open up to her in his own pace than forcing him to talk.

Severus appreciates that Y/n doesn't really force him.It strikes him rather odd that a student like her wants to be friends with him.He won't admit it to anyone,but he's intrigued by her mere presence alone.

Both of them,unbeknownst to each other,lean on the other a lot more than needed be.Not that they both mind,anyway.

Author Amaya:Writer's block is a bitch:)

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