C H A P T E R 9

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Your POV

I leave the Astronomy tower with a satisfied feeling in my chest.It wasn't the first I had invited someone to be with me during my stargazing trips,even the Headmaster and Ms.McGonagall had joined me one time or two.Sir Dumbledore found me while I was playing the violin one night and saw my tea party set-up so he decided to watch my performance before clapping,startling me because I had thought I was alone.

Ms.McGonagall had found me in the kitchens and I invited her for tea to de-stress herself from all the paperworks she must be working on.We talked and laughed,like two old friends,not a student and a teacher.

I was an easy person to communicate with.If you needed me,just ask.A shoulder to lean on,I'll lend mine.A listener,I'm right here.Just call my name,and I'm there.It's not that hard.I know how some people find it hard to open up.All people have secrets, including me and you.Some more deeper than others.

I like to be a person people can depend on whenever they feel too tired and weak to fight the battle,I'll be their assistant,their friend and their sister.The person they can talk to when they feel like the world has turned away from them.

I stopped abruptly to see somebody in the front of the Ravenclaw dormitories door,the painting who was giving us riddles to enter was gone and a tall figure was there.A man,by the way his body is built,I can only assume my claim I correct.

I start to tremble as the scent of iron and a strange unfamiliar smell filled my senses.Blood,my eyes widened and my pupils dilated as the guy in front of me looks me in the eye.
Eyes red like blood and glowing black and white slits as pupils.The figure breathed heavily,huffing like a beast and had a glimmering stained thing grasped in his hand.

It or he growled at me,I wanted to scream,I wanted to run away but my body wouldn't move nor could I find my voice.My heart was racing a mile a minute as my breathing came out in short huffs.It was glaring at me and if looks could kill,I would already be buried six feet under.

I suddenly felt dizzy as I lost feeling in my legs and started to sway on my spot.I felt darkness consume my vision as I fell to the ground,unconscious.

??? POV

She's unconscious,good.I must take her to Master before anybody sees her.I was still bloody from killing that idiot and I still hadn't hidden the weapon I had used to kill him.I walk up to her figure sprawled onto the floor.The blood dripping from the knife in my hands.

I was a few feet away when I was blasted away by a white light.Or more likely,a spell.I turned my head to see the old cat pointing a wand at me,eyes wide as her gaze follows the unconscious girl near my figure.

She readies herself to throw another spell but a patronus,or at least that's what they call it started to run towards me.I was gonna be harmed if I did not get away from that thing.So I fled.

I ran away and disappeared into the shadows.We will meet again,Ms.Y/n.You're safe,unfortunately,but not for long.Soon you'll be in our claws again.

Third Person POV

Meanwhile,Minerva runs towards the unconscious girl and tries shaking her awake to no avail.

"Ms.Crinvelle!Ms.Crinvelle!!" She called out to her but she wouldn't respond.The sun was coming up at this point and a prefect happened to pass by.A Gryffindor prefect.

"Mr.Corpulius,come!Help me get her to the Hospital Wing!" She called out to the prefect who immediately took action.He put an arm under her knees as well as to her back,lifting her up bridal-style,as McGonagall led him to the way towards the clinic.

They bursted in and Minerva hastily called for Madam Pomfrey,while ordering the boy to let her down on a vacant bed nearby.You we're still unconscious,now laying on the bed.

The nurse frantically shooed them both away as she started muttering multiple healing spells that could help her diagnose what had happened to the girl in front of her now.

Meanwhile,McGonagall was rushing down the hall,trying desperately to find Dumbledore to report the situation.She found them,near the Ravenclaw Dormitories where she and you were in minutes ago.

Albus was talking to professor Flitwick about who could have torn down the painting that guarded the intelligent house's dorms.They we're trying to figure out the mystery behind the painting's current location.

"Albus!!You must come with me!" She hastily blurted out as she tried catching her breathe.She turned to Professor Flitwick as he nodded and started to walk away from the two.

"Ms.Crinvelle,a ravenclaw student was attacked.I saw the intruder but it was too dark to see it's face.Ms.Y/n is currently in the Hospital Wing and is unconscious at the moment." She explained as they walked down the hallways towards the Hospital Wing.

They open the door to see Madam Pomfrey brewing something,and it seems she is in a hurry too.She was muttering ingredients under her breathe as she stirred the liquid.

It was a yellowish color,and smelt like mint for some reason.She saw the two come in and looked at them briefly before looking back at her work.She started to speak,explaining.

"I'm brewing some Poiseure Helfiunia,she seemed to have smelt Groxciendi,a plant that has a poisonous smell and taste.This is the reason she had fainted,it is one of the side effects of this plant." She said as she poured the potion into a small vial before putting it on your bedside table.

(PS.I made the plant name and antidote name up)

"She needs to take it as soon as she wakes up.She inhaled a small amount so she will be fine."
And with that sentence,Minerva let out a breathe of relief they wouldn't have the ability to see Thestrals soon.

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