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You had been aching all over.You were ready to succumb to the darkness once more when the door opened up to reveal a man with a bottle in his hand.His dark and tall figure frightens you but you can't even get your thoughts straight.

The man had a mask on and you could not see nor describe him.But what was weird for you,was that he did not radiate the energy of hostility.He made you slightly feel more secure which only made your fight or flight senses skyrocket to the roof.

The man was wearing all black,and it reminded you in a rather painful manner of someone who does the same,unknown that said person was gonna come for you and will be bringing you home soon enough.It brought tears in your eyes but you kept them at bay,still wary of the man who was now in front of you as the wind howled,being the only sound in the tense silence.

The man pried the bottle open and gripped your jaw so tight that you were sure it was gonna leave a bruise later on.They took the cloth that prevented you from talking off and poured the contents of the bottle in your mouth,forcing you to swallow it down.It tasted rather bitter for your taste buds and you weren't so keen on swallowing but you didn't have a choice as they forced it down your throat.

You coughed after the man let your jaw go as you stretched it out after being held with such force.You looked up at the mysterious and unidentified man in front of you,your hair casting a shadow over your eyes that were hazy with fatigue and longing.Fatigue because you were tired and starved, and longing because your heart yearns for your secret beloved.

You both stared at each other,not moving an inch as the wind blew making the scene more dramatic than it already was.The howls of wolves from the forest could be heard and the man took steps until he was behind you.You couldn't help but tense up at the contact that his and your hands made.You then felt something rather a tad bit heavy in your hand and you let your fingers explore it,feeling for what it might be.

Your eyes widened when you realized what it was and your head turned so fast,someone would think you would've broken your neck.You turned around to see the intruder only to find nobody behind you.You stilled and whipped your head in every direction,wanting to question if that was all an illusion.

But the butterfly knife in your tied up hands said otherwise.

You then realized what that stranger had given you as you started to feel more energized than before.It was a energy reboosting potion.

You hastily positioned the butterfly knife in your hands and began sliding it up and down on the tight ropes that bounded you to your seat.You bit your lower lip to keep your whimpers every time you accidentally hit your wrist and soon enough,your efforts were rewarded as the rope now fell to the damp floor.

You proceeded to cut the rope that bound your feet together and doing it without a sound nonetheless.You had the butterfly knife in your hands,your hair disarray and messy,your clothes slightly wet and very dirty and your feet had no shoes on them anymore. Nevertheless,you were keen on getting out of this hellhole.Whether it'd be by force or stealth.This was your mission now.

You were determined to go home.You would rather die trying than just waiting for rescue.This was all in your hands now and you were going to take control.You crouched down,weapon in hand as you creeped towards the door.You slightly opened it,just enough of a crack to be able to see what was happening in the hallways.

There was currently no guards so you assumed that they were on break,considering that the unidentified person who gave you your now weapon had came in easily and slipped out unnoticed.You tiptoed out of that wretched room and contemplated on whig direction were you gonna take.But before you could come to an answer,you suddenly heard guards coming from both directions.

Cursing under your breathe,you twirled the knife in your hand and formed a fist with the other as your eyes darted left and right,counting your newly arrived enemies.In your fighting stance,a guard charges at you and you hastily evade their sword.You were then charged by another which wad like a domino effect,as their cello guards followed their lead of attack.

You stabbed one by the shoulder,and back flipped before landing on another guard's shoulders and hitting them by the pulse point as they fell unconscious to the ground.The cuts and bruises that you had obtained while being kept probably underground was still there,but the adrenaline pumping in your veins made you numb to the pain.

Doing flips and cartwheels,you took out your hairpins and threw them with precise aiming,right at their eyes which made them yell out in pain.Their responses were pretty much normal,considering that your hairpins had slight poison at the tip that had poked their eyes.

With the last guard going down,you hastily ran away from the scene leaving the bloody and passed our guards in the hallway.You ran and ran,the pain in your legs were not felt not cared about,for the adrenaline was dashing through your veins as you escaped.You could hear guards hot on your heels as you find a door to which you opened,and it led you to the maze of roses.You didn't pause to even take a look at your surroundings and just let your senses guide you hopefully,out of this horrid nightmare.

Taking sniffs in the air,feeling where the wind's direction goes,eyes darting different directions.You were sure that after this,you were gonna be out if commission for a while.But,who cares anyway?

As long as you were home with your secret beloved,everything would be alright.

Author's note:

Anyways,we're like literally 2 more chapter away from the epilogue so see yah!


Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now