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Y/n's owl,Crystal,was out and about,flying high and low.She had been sent out to try and trace her owner for the past months but she couldn't find her at all.

The owl was distressed and so was the one taking care of her.Which was the man that her owner secretly adored and loved,even if she didn't really know how to deal with it.Her owner had ranted to her on multiple occasions.

Crystal flew high in the sky as she hooted so loud,it had miraculously reached the ears of her owner,who was weak,dirty,tired and exhausted.

Y/n had just woken up from her sedative induced sleep.Her vision was a blur but her ears were clear as day.It was her beloved owl,Crystal.She smiles,happy to hear something familiar.Something she missed to hear,beside a baritone and velvety voice that belonged to someone special to her.

She almost cried at that moment knowing her owl was near,realization hits her.If she could hear Crystal,then she must still be near Hogwarts.Trying to inhale some air,she stops herself from coughing.She had felt unnaturally warm and had kept coughing once or twice.

She had a secret.Something that no one other than her and her family didn't know.She still had a card up her sleeve.She still had hope.Her eyes began to burn with determination as she prepared herself to do something she had not done in a while.

Taking a deep breathe,she let out a high-pitched whistle.

Her owl's ears flickered towards the sound and turned towards it direction.Crystal dashed through the maze of roses and thorns,determined to find her owner and bring her home.

Y/n let out another whistle as her owl bursted through the window near the ceiling,breaking the wooden window.She almost choked on her sobs as a fresh batch of tears stream down her cheeks when Crystal landed on her shoulder,nuzzling to her cheek.

"Crystal.I need your help." She tells her owl who nods understandingly,an intelligent owl for an intelligent student.Looks like that Ravenclaw student deserved a smart owl like her.

"I need you to bring help from Hogwarts.Lead them here.Drag them if you need to,please.Take me home." She starts sobbing as her heart slowly grows warm.She had a chance to escape this hell and she would be a fool not to take it.

The owl hoots before flying away and dashing out of the room,the same way she got in.

Y/n sits down still restrained,trying to calm her breathing and stopping her tears.She had hope now.She trusted her owl wholeheartedly which I'd why there was a slim chance that she would not be saved from this place.

Meanwhile,the private group of Aurors,the Crinvelle family, Albus, Severus,though he was reluctant to even leave his office,Minerva and the Ministry had just started discussing the matter of Y/n's kidnapping.

"We must alert the students.Their safety is our priority here." A member of the Ministry stated.Severus had to stop himself from snapping at the man.He was looking rather calm but deep inside,he was near his breaking point,internally planning to "accidentally" curse someone from the ministry.

"That would cause a panic.I don't think it is a wise decision." Severus stated,gripping his knee to keep himself from strangling this man who spoke.

Severus was still aggravated.He was still thinking of possible situations you could be in right now.You could be dying at the moment and they were here discussing.He should be out there looking for you.But instead,he was stuck at this good for nothing meeting.

The air was tense and the silence was broken when an owl had entered the room through the opening by the ceiling.Everyone looks up as the owl lands in front of Severus.Hooting and tugging at his sleeve.

Severus recognized this owl.It was Y/n's and he was taking care of her until Y/n was found.He had taken it to himself to care for the owl while her owner was still in danger.Crystal kept hooting,tugging at his sleeve and clothing.

The Crinvelles were on their feet,surrounding Severus,looking at the owl.Crystal hooted towards the family and flew out of the room,this time going through the door.

"Quick!Everyone out!We need to follow her!" The family ordered as they,along with Albus, Severus, Minerva and the group of Aurors were hot on the owl's tail.

"Are you sure that we can trust an owl?" An auror from the group asked as they run through the hallways.It was the holidays so no student could be seen along the path.Y/n's mother nodded at the auror,her eyes red and swollen from crying.

"Crystal has never failed us before.She's very smart and there's a reason why my daughter picked her from the shop.We all trust her and so should you." She explained before running ahead of the group.Severus was almost in tears when he realized that he would see you again.

He wasn't too late.

He followed them around til he made a turn that made Minerva call out for him.
"Severus,where are you going!?" She asked,well kind of yelled.

"I'm going to get Poppy,just in case!" He said before dashing away.He bursted in the Hospital Wing,startling the old lady.He explained the situation (even though she already knew half of it) and they both ran out of the Hospital Wing,with the nurse carrying a satchel of potions and remedies in bottles.

They ran and ran until they caught up to the group who was currently heading towards a dark forest.The owl that led them hooted as if saying "follow me!" and flew in the forest.

The Crinvelles did not hesitate to follow along with the rest of the Aurors,Albus,Minerva and Poppy not too far behind.Severus was the last to go in the forest,his heart hammering in his chest,determined as ever.He wasn't gonna lose the love of his life,not this time.

He was going to save you if it was the last thing he does.


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