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Severus' POV

"Professor!" Exclaims Ms.Crinvelle. She lifts herself up from my arms and stands up straight, trying to get her composure back but failing as her hands tremble and her eyes darting back and forth, behind her and to me, in front of her.

"Is there something the matter,Ms.Crinvelle?" I try questioning her with a raised brow. She does a double-take and looks behind her before taking a deep breathe and turning back to me, the feeling of fear still lingering on her.

"I'm so sorry professor. . .I uhh. . . " She seems to be trying to come up with an excuse, though her still slightly trembling hands and her pupils that still dart from behind her to her front is keeping her from doing so.

"Are you not supposed to be at dinner in the Great Hall?" I say,my monotone voice not changing.She clears her throat as she takes in a deep breathe.
"You're right.I was just on my way to the dorms when. . . I got stuck in a problem down the hallway.I should go now,excuse me professor." She rambled before taking her bag, bowing her head slightly in gratitude and running away from me.

My brows furrow in confusion and surprise? Was she alright? Shrugging it off, I continue my way back to my office, I sadly need to grade those dunderheads' essays. Sigh, what a bother.

Meanwhile, the figure under the stolen invisible cloak took one last glance at Severus before walking away from the scene undetected. They walk away as quiet as they can and slip out of the castle.

Third Person's POV

You were full-on sprinting to the Ravenclaw dormitories, absolutely scared of what had just happened. You're mind was racing a mile a minute,trying to make sense of the ordeal.You knew it wasn't you being paranoid because first of all,you only get paranoid about your end-of-the-year exams and your grades. You never got paranoid about anything else.

'This is no light matter' You thought as you mutter the answer to the riddle that the painting in the Ravenclaw dormitories' door gave you. The door swung open and you pretty much speedwalked towards the girl's shared rooms. You knew nobody would be there as everyone was already at the Great Hall. You set your bag aside, rushing out of the dorms as fast as you came in.

Panting heavily, you burst into the Great Hall and run straight towards your house's table and immediately sat down. You fidgeted a little, taking a few breathes to regain composure before putting food on your plate. Mashed potatoes, two turkey legs and some pudding before digging into your meal.

Your eyes dart from left to right, alert and wide-awake you were. A hand falls onto your own, which was gripping the cutlery so hard. You traced the source of the other hand on yours and found myself gazing at Amanda's worried face. Her brows furrowed in concern as she rubbed her thumb on your knuckles. You sighed and let your grip on the utensil loosen.

You gave her a thankful smile to which she returned with a likely concerned one. You continued eating as if nothing happened. But deep inside, you we're still a tad bit scared.

You drank your pumpkin juice from your goblet as you looked around with your eyes. Your gaze wanders to the empty seat at the teacher's table. Right where your potions professor is supposed to be. Maybe he was grading? Or he wasn't hungry, you did not know.

As you finished eating, you stood up and walked out of the Great Hall to go for a walk while letting your food digest in your stomach. You stood in front of the door, your back facing the said doors as you turned your body left and started walking.

It was a slightly breezy night, but you had your cloak on so you did not have to worry about freezing to death this evening. You walked through the quiet and dark hallways, the light from the torches dim. The moon shining brightly could be seen from the large open windows.

You let your feet take the lead, walking through a very familiar path my memory as you start to ascend a flight of stairs. The cold air was howling ever so slightly making your hair fly behind you. You reach the top and nobody was there. Perfect.

You walked towards the edge,taking in the beautiful and breathtaking view from above. It was a sight to see indeed, something magical per say.

You looked up and saw thousands of stars, the ones you look into during every Astronomy class we have. You had a slight interest in the stars and constellations,as your ancestors were before. Those tiny little glittering dots in the sky were not only for display. The stories they could tell, the futures they could show, the possibilities are infinite.

Your POV

I stayed up at the Astronomy tower for what seemed like hours before finally deciding it was time to go back. I played with the ring that was tied to a chain on my neck, an heirloom my mother had given me, just like how my grandmother did to her as well as our ancestors before us.

I let the softest of smiles run across my lips before breathing in sharply and freezing in place.

. .Drip. . . . .

. . . .Drip. . . . . .

. . . . . . . Drip. . . . . . . . . .

The whole area suddenly fell eerily quiet and I felt the temperature around me dropped in a fast rate. My breathes came as short and huffy, as I try to keep calm. It did not help that I felt like I was not alone.

No,something, or rather someone was with me.In this corridor. The dripping sound of something was very disturbing and it certainly did not help that it was already dark and the torches' fires were flickering.

I kept still. All of my movements went to a halt as I dart my eyes forward,left and right. I was too scared to turn around, afraid that I might see something I do not want to. I kept still as I heard footsteps, the sound of it echoes through the hallways.

The footsteps stop as I felt someone's presence behind me. I gulp, trying to be brave but fear and anxiety was already taking over my system. And before I knew it, a hand suddenly found it's way on my shoulder, making me jump in fright and scream.


A/n:Question of the day,folks!

[Who do you think was behind her that moment?]

Go ahead and take a guess,while I drown in school work before updating again!See yah my sweet witches!


Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now