C H A P T E R 8

233 10 37

Severus' POV

I was distracted the whole day all because of that Ravenclaw's offer for tea.It had baffled me that someone wanted to spend time with me,the so-called Dungeon Bat,the grumpy and old loner as students would say.But this girl,a student at that matter,is somehow wiggling her way into my life, and making me feel emotions I never even knew existed.

As if she casts a spell on me every time I see her in class during her Potions.The way she moves with grace as she brews a potion is enchanting, clear that she understands the art of potion-making.The way she does it with ease as if working by memory and the way her eyes shine with each praise I gave.It gave me a weird feeling in my stomach but I shrugged it off as approval of the girl being tolerable.

I decided to take the offer as I stopped grading student papers as I could see the sky darken while walking out of the office.Deciding to take a mini-stroll after dinner,I watch the nighttime view as the cold air slightly nips at my exposed hands.

The view of the Black Lake would be stunning but the view of Hogwarts tonight at the Astronomy tower would be ethereal.I was contemplating if I should really do this and accept a student's offer for tea,especially at this time of the night.It would be bad for her image and mine.Well,not that I cared about what people thought of me in the first place.

I let my feet take me wherever it wanted me to go.I was still deep in thought that I had reached the Astronomy Tower before I was even aware.The set-up in the room had left me stunned for a moment before gulping.There was a decorated table in the middle,a plate of hot chocolate chipped cookies and some macaroons with different colors and two tea cups along with a teapot.There were too chairs,obviously waiting for the guest and the host of the small trip itself.

I walked towards it,taking a green-colored macaroon and biting into it.The flavors bursts in my mouth,and the texture was just blatant amazing.I then heard footsteps coming and slightly panicked.

Casting an invisibility charm on myself and backing away,the door opens to reveal the culprit of this set-up,Ms.Y/n Grace Crinvelle,in her pajamas and a,naturally,blue cardigan.

I see in her hands,a violin case and raise my brows in surprise.I did not know she plays instruments.She looks around the room as she stands in the doorway.I swore I could almost feel like she knew I was here,looking directly into my eyes for a fleeting moment before looking away.

She made her way towards the table and settles herself down on a seat,putting her violin case on the cold ground.She takes the teapot in her hand and pours herself a cup of tea that had an floral scent.

She blows her on tea ever so slightly before taking a sip and sighing leisurely.Her eyes closed as she basks in the silence,it somehow feels unknown to me if she knows of my presence or not.She then opens her eyes and looks directly into mine,and just smiles,as if teasingly at that.

She then stands up and grabs her violin case,opening it with a click,taking out her violin and her bow.Her violin was a pure purple color.The color of royalty and mystery.

She rests it delicately on her shoulder as she prepares herself to play a piece of music.She makes direct eye contact with me and I could swear I had heard a soft and gentle voice saying "Listen. . ." but her mouth was shut and closed.

She slides the bow onto the strings,letting the first notes be heard.The music piece made me feel light,as if every burden I have been carrying on my shoulders have been taken off and relieved.It was calming, and serene.Like a gentle flowing river in the middle of a peaceful forest,as fireflies would make the forest glow ethereal to the eyes of people.

It was that small moment that made me feel like there was nothing to worry about in the world.The way she played the instrument as if she's been doing it all her life,her movements fluid and graceful like a swan dancing.Her demeanor that's relaxed and full of radiance.

The way the bow strikes the strings as if they were meant for each other for the longest time.She finishes the piece with a simple and melodic note.I have been drinking tea from my own cup and eating a few treats here and there as I was watching her play.I have not been into entertainment other than reading books but this was a refreshing performance.

I caught myself slightly clapping after her performance and she shyly bows at my direction before tucking back in her instrument and walking towards the edge of the tower,looking up at the starlit sky.I hesitate before walking up to her side,making sure to keep some distance.

"It's a wonderful night.The stars seem to shine a lot brighter this evening." She says as she looks out the breathtaking view.I do the same,looking up at the cloudless sky,full of twinkling stars that remind me of her eyes when she achieves something.

She takes in a deep breathe as she lets it out with a smile stuck on her pink and soft-looking lips.Her elbows leaning on the railing as we bask in the comfortable silence.

"Indeed it is,a wonderful night." I mutter to mostly myself,but as I watched her smile widen just a small fraction,I knew she heard it too and was most likely glad that I had a nice time.She takes one last longing and wary glance at the view from here,looking at the Black Lake to the Quidditch pitch.

She turns away and takes out her wand,flicking it as the set-up disappeared.She turns back to me before bowing goodbye, and grabbing her instrument walking to the door.

She takes hold of the handle and looks over her shoulder one more time before speaking with a satisfied smile.
"Have a good evening,professor."

And with that,she closed the door.Leaving me all alone in the Astronomy Tower under the shining moon.

Author Amaya::I LIIIIIVE!!!!

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