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Author Amaya:Let the nightmare begin.😈

Your POV

Months passed by without much trouble happening, which made me slightly worried because what if something does happen again, especially when least expect it? Or what if they just want us to let our guard down?

I snapped out of it, when I heard Dumbledore signal for the feast to begin as food started to appear in front of us.I sighed, well, it wasn't really the first time I was distracted during the announcements. A few years back, I could very much remember being distracted at the same room, same time at dinner, all because I was too busy staring at a certain professor.

I start to pick out food from the platters and place them on my plate.Some mashed potatoes, soup and fried chicken leg.I start to eat, as my mind leaves and starts to fly to space.My eyes flicker around the room as they dart left and right.I try to regulate my breathing as it was picking up it's pace. You were never really sure whether you were safe or not.

Third Person POV

Taking the recent events in consideration,some people would very much understand why you were feeling a bit shaken and paranoid.After dinner,you thought of hurrying back to the dorms and sleeping away your worries.You had been feeling rather tired the whole dinner anyways.

You kept rubbing your eyes,and stifling a yawn every now and then.People around you could clearly see that you were begging for dinner to be over soon just to get back in the comfort of your bed.

You sighed through your nose,pursing your lips as you chew on your second pudding of the night,the delicious treat swirling in your mouth.

Unaware of two pairs of eyes watching you and your every little move.The first pair belonging to your beloved potions professor,who had noticed your tired state.While the other was covered with a blindfold,grinning maliciously at you.

The blindfolded figure slips away from the scene without anybody noticing.You were slightly swaying,the motion making you feel sick in the stomach.You force yourself to eat as because you did not really want to faint in the hallways out of hunger.

"You alright there Y/n??" You drowsily look towards the source of the voice.Edward Barnes,an upperclassmen of yours looks at you with worry clear in his steel grey irises.

"Mhmmm~" You hummed,tiredly nodding your head.You we're very much out of it though as if you were drugged or drunk.You force yourself to stand up and walk towards the exit.

You swayed left and right as you walked and your fellow Ravenclaws look at you worriedly.You were a very kind Ravenclaw,helping fellow Ravenclaws when they don't understand something or need clarification on the topic.

You were a big sister to the younger ones and a reliable little sister to the older ones.Some upperclassmen even confide in you about their troubles and seek you for advice.Of course,you gladly help with all you can.

Back to the present,Albus,Minerva and Severus all share a look as Minerva looks at Severus rather pleadingly.Begging him to follow you,who knows what could happen.

Severus looks at Albus for permission to which the old man gives with a firm nod.And with that,Severus Tobias Snape slips out of his chair from the teacher's table and is out the doors.Albus and Minerva look at each other in worry.They could only hope and pray for your safety and that Severus keeps you safe and brings you back in one piece.

Meanwhile,your fogged up mind couldn't comprehend where you currently were.One moment,you were down the hallways,next thing you know you were now in a pitch dark room.You could feel your hands were tied with ropes,and Merlin did they tie it tight.You couldn't move them to save your life.

Your irises were clouded with mist and fog,hair was slightly ruffled up and your robes were rather dirty.Your breathing was shallow and ragged,as if you only had limited amount of oxygen.You could feel thumping pain in your head,as if someone was pounding a hammer on it every two seconds.You didn't know where you were,this was not a good sign.You heard some muffled talking before your vision went black.

Meanwhile back at the school,Severus was desperately speeding down the halls,trying to see if you were there.Dinner had finished long ago and he was frantic about the fact that he couldn't find you anywhere.

He knew you weren't in the dormitories because he asked the painting and the painting told him that you hadn't even made it there,which was a rather bad sign for him.

"Damn it!Where could she be?" Severus said as he now runs through the hallways,checking classrooms to see if you were inside.He manoeuvres around the castle at top speed,he's tired and sleepy but he's too nervous for that right now.

Who knows what could be happening to you at this moment?

Severus has informed Albus and Minerva about your disappearance.Minerva was horrified of the news and when it reached Pomfrey's ears,she almost cried.Both women were worried for your safety and well-being.They could only turn to Merlin for guidance now.

Severus sighs as he stops for a moment to catch his breathe.He's been going around for almost 2 hours and it was almost midnight.Severus could be sleeping right now but chose not to.You were his priority at the moment.He needed to find you.

He needed to know you were fine.He needed you to be safe and whole.He wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt if you were hurt or maybe even worse.The events that had occurred to you were absolutely not what you deserved.You didn't deserve to be hunted like a prize.

"Where are you,Y/n. . .?" He said,pain and concern clear in his voice.He was tired and afraid.Tired of searching but not giving up.

And afraid of the fact that he could be losing you right now.

Book 1:The Unwise Choice Of Loving You ||Snape x Student!Reader||Where stories live. Discover now