Chapter 26 - Opposing views from Opposing sides

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"So is this the place?" Syouji asked.

It has now been a few days since he locked Shidou and Tohka in a room.

It had seemingly calmed Tohka down, but still refuses to talk to Shidou saying "She needs time".

However, she now had the initiative of going outside when in need of food, which Syouji cooked for her, which helped with maintaining her mood.

She would also attend school, However, she would still avoid Shidou.

In his left hand, Syouji was holding pastries and sweets he previously bought at the restaurant.

He looked up at the high-rise apartment, while patting his chest to calm down.

"This must be how Shidou feels...." Syouji muttered.

Right now, he was going to go meet the girl of his dreams whom he admired ever since the first year of high school and even long before that.

"Anyway, did you even really need to send me on this mission? After all, it's just a puppet. Surely, Ratatoskr has the ability to retrieve something like that right?" Syouji questioned.

<We already tried that> Kotori said with a sigh.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Seriously? The organisation that can supposedly fight Spirits is having trouble because of a puppet? No, it's because of a highschool girl? You're joking right?"

Upon the barrage of questions, Kotori let out a sigh.

<Look... We tried infiltrating several times and all of it was a failure. There were Infra-red lasers set up. Tear gas that sprays out and even sentry guns were set up in important parts of the room.>

"I see.... And by "Important parts" you mean her underwear drawer right?" Syouji questioned as he was met with silence.

<.........Anyway, 6 members of our mechanics team were sent to the Hospital. Seriously, this is no oridinary High school girl. She really is something else.>

"But still... You could just barge in right?"

<Well yeah, we could do that, but if we have the privilege of getting an invitation, then isn't that a better choice? And besides, think of the damage we could cause and the enemy would surely be alerted.>

"Hmm.... I suppose that makes sense. I apologise for my ignorance, It seems I really l underestimated you... And thanks for answering my questions, I feel somewhat satisfied now."

<No problem. Anyway, how is Tohka doing?>

"She's fine I guess. although she would sometimes come into my room and... She would just start punching my.... Origami body pillow."

Syouji said, with a clenched fist trying to endure the pain of accidentally showing her a way to release stress in a way that doesn't damage her surroundings.

<Yeah? Well, that's your fault for locking her into your room with all your stuff lying around.>

"Whatever, let's just get this over with so I can immediately floof them back to their original shape."

<Very well then, proceed as planned.>

With that being said, Syouji approached the apartment door as it automatically opened, which startled him a bit.

<What now?>

"Nothing..... It's just after the whole Tohka encounter, i've been a bit jumpy when it came to objects or structures that made a similar sound to her attacks."

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