𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜

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10:22 am
L O C A T I O N : new york; college classroom

"sooooo," armin tried to talk to me but i ignored him. we found out that we had the same math class and i wanted to shoot myself. "she's not into you bro." eren snickered, while on his phone. i continued to write down notes from the teacher, this lesson made no sense and i was drowning in armin and eren's conversation. "please shut the fuck up." i hissed at both of them. eren rolled his eyes, "anyway, when is kiana coming to school?" he asked and i checked the time. "she should already be here, class started at 10 for her. did you text the girl?" i closed my notebook as i was done talking notes. i just couldn't concentrate at the moment.

eren groaned, "you know kiana is a goody goody. she won't check her phone unless she has too." i made a white man face as armin laughed. "so why did you-nevermind, i don't care. you'll see her later i guess." i waved him off before popping in my airpods. armin took one and put it in his ear. "nigga, give me my shit back." i snapped at him but he simply ignored me, waiting for me to put on music. i really had to spend my time with this man for 2 weeks. how was i gonna do it? "fuck it." i muttered, not caring anymore. i felt myself stressing and i HATED that. he was not going to ruined my energy and vibe that i spent time creating.

so we sat there and listened to music while waiting for class to end. "okay, do pages 75-76 and show your work. i'll give it back to you if it's incomplete." math was my worst subject, this was gonna kill me. we were dismissed and armin gave me back my airpod.

i snatched it back, "no need to snatch, ma'am." i rolled my eyes. "do i look like a ma'am, blondie?" i pushed him out the classroom. "y'all just met and already fighting. i see y'all." i flipped eren off as kiana comes rushing up the stairs. "hey lil mama." eren smiled as kiana rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"why are you sleepy hoe? you should have got enough sleep." i grumbled at her and armin quietly slipped my phone out of my hand. kiana buried her face in eren's chest before looking at me. "because you and jasmine were being loud as fuck while i was trying to get some sleep. turns out, i couldn't go back to sleep so i stayed up." kiana wrapped her arms around eren as he rubbed her back. he kissed her forehead and i gave them a disgusted face while they cuddled. "here you go." armin interrupted, his hand holding my phone. "what the-blondie!" i grabbed my phone back.

"since we are going to be seeing each other for a while, i put my number and my insta in your phone."

"how did you even get in?!"

armin shrugged while winking at me, he tossed his blonde hair back from his face. "i'll see you later, kotaaaa." he walked away while dragging out my nickname. i didn't even give him permission to say that. "y'all are cute." kiana smirked and i closed my eyes so i didn't lose it. "hey, connie is throwing a party on thursday. you coming?" eren asked me and i glanced at him. "maybe, is armin going?"

eren nodded and i shook my head. "then no, i'll stay home." kiana rolled her eyes before detaching herself from eren. "oh you're going." i flicked her forehead. "and what are you going to do about it if i don't, short stack?" i got down to her level since i was taller than her. "because i'll tell deja, and deja will drag your ass out of the house if she needs to." fuck, she was right. deja was the partier in our group, girl would give up a leg to be at a party. let only connie's party.

"fuck you."

"love you!"




you going to the party on thursday, i hope to see you


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