𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

808 28 13

3:32 pm

L O C A T I O N : The Street's of New York

"let's goo! we got shopping to do and y'all aren't even out the house yet!" deja yelled into the apartment. i come from the hallway into the living and slipping on my shoes. "i'm here, kiana is coming and jasmine is taking forever like always." i rolled my eyes. deja groaned, laying on the couch until the rest of the groups come out.

my phone buzzed with a call from my mother and i pursed my lips to see if i should answer. i didn't feel like hearing her mouth but i knew she wouldn't stop calling if i didn't answer.


"what took you so long?" i groaned internally from her harshness already. "i just got to the phone, can this call wait? i'm about to go shopping." my mom sucked her teeth, "no, i have to talk to you." i pursed my lips and slowly sat down at the dinning room table. "what did i do now, mama?" i hold my head in my palm, ready for her to go off for something that she heard from jasmine.


i knew it.

"-told me that you've been acting stupid in new york?! i shouldn't neva let you go up there!" she hissed into the phone. "mama, i am 18. i can do whatever i want in a legal matter." i tried to explained but she continued to yell at me. "dakota, don't get smart with me." i shut my mouth and waited till she was done.

so i sat there and waited, and waited, and waited until kiana and jasmine showed up. "dakota, are you even listening to me?" my mom questioned, irritation in her voice. "yeah mama, i'm listening." i lied, rolling my eyes. "don't try no bullshit when you get up here. this is me and your father's night." i nodded even though she couldn't see me. "yep. i know, ma." jasmine slipped on her shoes and grabbed her keys.

"we're taking my car."

"is that jasmine? lemme talk to her!" i groaned, putting jasmine on the phone so i could get away and try not to let her ruin my mood. "yeah mama, i know. i got it. we'll see you saturday." jasmine gave me back my phone and i shut it off. deja popped up from the couch and was the first out of the apartment door. "what did mama want with you?" i shot her a dirty look. "you should know. you are the one who told her." i followed deja out of the apartment and into the elevator.

kiana did a prayer pose, closing her eyes. "kiana what the fuck are you doing?" i asked. she peaked out of one eye before closing it again. "i'm praying." deja crossed her arms as jasmine hit the button to the ground floor. "for what?" kiana finished her praying and looked at us. "because it's gonna be the 4 of us in one car for a couple of hours and i know that's not gonna end well."

"have some faith!"

"i did and i put it all in the lord."

"the streets of new york, oh how i love y'all." i sighed in happiness. we had been walking around time square, shopping and spending money that we didn't even know we had. The bags were weighing on my arms as we walked but then we entered another store and i couldn't care less about the weight.

i had about 4 bags, one from h&m that held jean shorts, another one from nike that held air forces, another from forever 21 that contained crop tops and shirts that i would be wearing, swimsuits were coming from amazon that i ordered a couple of days ago and then finally i had some cute sandals, sun hats and misc. things.

"my arms hurt." kiana whined and jasmine rolled her eyes, picking up some sunscreen. "because eren always carries your shit. c'mon you got this." her voice lacked some empathy. "i think we spent more money on clothes than we have on school stuff." i told everybody. "That's because nobody care about that shit. vacations are where it's at." deja retorted while rolling her eyes.

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