𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

728 29 11

8:30 pm
L O C A T I O N : Dinner p. 2

the dinner was going great. my mom wasn't acting a fool and i had a itch that it was because she didn't want to embarrass me in front of armin. my dad looked like he was having fun just being in the mist of family which made sense since he was a family guy. and armin was being armin. i could tell that he was enjoying my family and what they had to offer and i just hoped it stayed that way.

"ayo, dinner was nice but anyone wanna chill outside?" keke announced. i knew what she was talking about and so did jaden and brandon so we got up. "where are you going?" armin grabbed onto my wrist, scared that i was gonna leave him. "just to chill outside." i smiled, "you can come with if you want." connie got up as well but jasmine stayed. "i'll stay here." she told him and he nodded. "at least one of my children wants to stay with us." my mother sighed and i grit my teeth together. "don't start mama." i grabbed armin's hand and walked with keke and the rest to the backyard.

"i didn't expect armin to be a smoker." keke said, taking a seat on some patio furniture. "oh so we smoking." armin let out an amused sound. i nodded, "what else would we be doing? actually chilling outside?" connie took a seat on the grass next to jaden and brandon while i sat next to keke. "onyankopon didn't want to come out here?" connie asked. "he ain't really a smoker for real." i explained as keke handed me the rolled up herb. i took a drag from it and felt armin's eyes on me. i pulled back and blew out, passing it to connie who sat next to me.

"is it bad to say you look cute while you smoke?"

"i could be on the verge of death and you would say that."

connie coughed, passing it to armin and trying to get the smoke out of his lungs. "morbid, damn." he wheezed. "how long have y'all been dating?" jaden asked, waiting impatiently for brandon to move the fuck on. i looked at armin for a quicky second, not knowing what to say. "about a month." i hid my smile under my hand. we hadn't even known each other for a month. "but i thought-."

"connie shut up and smoke."

keke handed me the blunt again, my head and body growing fuzzy as i took longer drags. "jasmine wanted to stay huh? i thought she smoked." i rolled my eyes at her name.

"jasmine just wanted to look like the better sibling in front of my parents." i retorted in annoyance. i knew some fuck shit was gonna happen and i felt it coming. "oh c'mon dakota." connie started but i stopped him in his sentence. "no. you know how your girlfriend is." i took another drag once the blunt was passed back to me. "jasmine is the child that doesn't get punished for her behavior and only get praised for it. god. she must be exhausted." i faked sympathy and laughed after. the weed acting like a truth enhancer. jaden and brandon looked at each other, either concerned or not knowing whether to laugh at my behavior.

connie waved his hand as i went back to him, finally having enough for the night. "i'm done for the night. jasmine will kill me if i went back inside blazed like that." keke snickered. "you let her dictate you like that?" i laughed, hitting her shoulder as i agreed with the question. "bro how whipped are you for that girl?" brandon asked, finishing the blunt and putting it out. "i'm not whipped dude. i just know my limits when i'm around her parents."

i rolled my eyes, keke rolling up another one and passing it to me. "you shouldn't worry about that. my parents adore you just like they adore jasmine," i gave the weed to armin for him to just pass it along. "i'm good." he backed out and i narrowed my eyes at him. "are connie's words getting to you?" i asked armin, his attitude changing once connie said what he said. "what me and you have is different from jasmine and connie," i assured him, keke passing it back to me and i felt myself drifting away a bit. "whoaa," jaden gasped sarcastically. "dakota is in a poetic state."

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