𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦-𝑜𝑛𝑒

537 18 17

f r i d a y
6 : 20 pm
L O C A T I O N : hospital

"bruh, what the-!"

"how the fuck didn't you pull out!?"

"your pull out game...is WEAK!"

i shook in head in disappointment at everything that was just said to me in the past 20 minutes. everyone was chastising connie for his weak pull out game and i was trynna figure out how the fuck jasmine was gonna take this. the doctor was kinda standing there and watching us lose our shit but i stood up and walked over to them.

"is she awake?" i asked and they nodded, "she woke up after i left the room. if you want, you can break the news to her." i nodded and left the group to go to her room.  i slowly opened the door, peaking in to see her awake and looking out the window.


she looks over at me, smiling softly. "hey."

"you scared me, jasmine." i scolded, walking over to her bedside and sitting down. "i didn't mean too. i meant to tell y'all and connie on christmas as a present." my eyes widened at the statement. "you knew that you were pregnant? all this time?" i questioned and she nodded. "i found out about a month ago and wanted to wait because i still wouldn't be showing but the shop was stressing me out which didn't help anything." she explained and i sat back in my seat.

"jasmine," i started. "you should have stop working if the shop was stressing you out. your pregnant for god sakes. i could have lost you and my niece or nephew!" i got sad, tears forming in my eyes and jasmine grabbed my hand. "i'm sorry, that wasn't my intention, i promise." she consoled, wiping my tears.

i calmed down, squeezing her hand. "i'm sure connie wants to see you." i commented, the expression on jasmine's face dropping. "what if he's not ready?"

"are you?"


"we'll then he probably isn't either. but you guys are gonna get ready because if you wanna keep this baby, then you guys need to mature up." i told her and she nodded. "can you send him in?" jasmine asked and i saw the nervousness in her face. "of course. oh and i think mom and dad are flying up here."


"yeahhhh, i felt like they needed to know but we can always just...figure something out when they get here." i responded, scratching the back of my neck. she nodded, "i guess." i left her room and went back the waiting room. "connie, she wants to see you." i announced.

connie froze, not knowing what to do. jean smacked him on the back of the head and pushed him out of his seat. "go you idiot. you got your girl pregnant and she wants to see you." he stated and i sat down next to armin, still conflicted with everything. connie left and it was just us.

"how'd jasmine take the news?" kiana asked. "she already knew for a month." i informed, scratching my eyebrow and crossing my legs. "what?" deja pitched in and i nodded. "she wanted to keep it a surprise until christmas but her shop was stressing her out."

"so did she like...overheat or something?"

"could have been possible, she was hot to the touch when i found her."

"did she tell you anything about what happened?" eren questioned and i shook my head. "i didn't really ask her. i was more worried about her in general and if she had known if she was pregnant."

everyone was in shock. we really didn't know how to process the information of my sister and their friend being pregnant. not to mention the first in the friend group to have a child. how the fuck were we gonna adapt to a child. "i wanna see her." kiana said out loud and deja nodded. "i do too. when is connie done?" sasha asked and got up. "i'm sure they are having a moment. they finna be parents." eren slouched down in his seat.

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