𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦-𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

524 13 62

y'all know where they at

w e d n e s d a y


it was like his entire body lit up from my words. armin quickly turned off the t.v and turned his attention towards me. "dakota-." i shook my head, holding up my hand to stop him. "no, i talk and you listen. i ask and you answer, that's the only way we're going to have a conversation." i stated and he nodded.

i sat down on the loveseat directly vertical from him, creating a good distance between us. "i'm only talking to you because i have to go to that horrid nightclub memory...and i need answers." i started, crossing my arms.


it was very vague to start but it was the main question. why did he do what he did?

armin looked down at his lap and fiddled with his fingers. "it's complicated." i scoffed, "complicated? it didn't seem so complicated when you left me crying on the club bathroom." he shook his head and looked up at me. "i really don't know what i was doing."

"i figured, if you couldn't handle me then why stay?"

"i could, i promise you i could!"

"your past actions say no."

"we had been together for a week, dakota. i had outside influence saying that wasn't normal."

"it wasn't, i'll admit but you knew i grew attached. why...why would you do that to me?" i looked up to keep my tears at bay, pain erupting in my chest. "annie..." i tensed at her name.

i hated her.

"...i told her about you because i planned on actually asking you to be my girlfriend officially..." he explained and i blinked at him. "i was gonna take you on a date and tell you how much you meant to me." armin smiled at the thought while i sat still, no expression on my face.

he was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend?

"but annie told me it wasn't a good idea, that's why she was at my apartment that day."

"that's why you lied to me?"

"i had to figure out everything with you dakota. i had never had someone in my life like you and i wanted to be right. i didn't wanna fuck anything up." he stated, "i was trying. i made it my business to check up on you and work around you so that you'd feel better. i never wanted to be the one to hurt you."

"but you did in the end."

"i listened to the wrong people in the end, dakota."

i raised an eyebrow at that, "who did you listen to?"

"annie and jasmine."

i let out a breath of irritation and wiped my eyes. "i told you in the beginning that whatever happened between us, stayed in between us. i told you to come to me, no one was gonna understand what i went through better than me." armin nodded in shame at the reminder.

the pain didn't hurt as much but it was still there, lingering at the words he yelled at me.

"because you make a big deal out of everything and im just now realizing that! i'm realizing a lot of things, that your a clingy bitch, you blow things out of proportion and i can't deal with you!"

"did you mean it?"

armin gave me a look of confusion, "mean what?" he asked and i sighed.

"that you just started to realize that i was too much to deal with?" i bit my bottom lip and bounced my leg in anxiety. "no, i don't mean it. i was naïve, dakota. i listened to the wrong people and didn't keep us...private. that is where i went wrong."

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