𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒

660 24 21

t h u r s d a y
9 : 45 pm
L O C A T I O N : the girl's apartment

t h u r s d a y9 : 45 pmL O C A T I O N : the girl's apartment______________

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dakota's outfit^^^

"what?! hitch, i'm too far into the production process to find another assistant director. how are we suppose to work together when i barely know them?!" i exclaimed, walking into the kitchen. heels clacking against the hardwood floor as i took my steps. jasmine was scrolling on her phone, eating cereal while deja made kiana, herself and i some pancakes with bacon.

"i know, but vanessa just couldn't handle the pressure." i scoffed, i was gathering the attention of everyone. "what pressure? is it because its a movie about my life?" i was pissed. so much work had already gone into this movie, so much time and energy of my actors and actresses that i needed a assistant director.

"i'm going to try my best to find one okay, don't stress. we should have one in the next few hours if i find gold." i sighed, holding the bridge of my nose. "okay, okay. i'm going to put my trust in you for this. call me if anything has changed, i need to be prepared." hitch gave me a confirmation and hung up. 

i sat next to kiana, my head starting to pound. "everything okay?" deja asked as she put my plate in front of me. "my assistant director quit and those are extremely important to this entire thing." i rubbed my temples, "can someone hand me headache pills?" kiana got up and jumped up to grab the advil.

she put a few in my open hand and i downed them with water. "great way to start my day." i groaned. "hitch is good at her job, don't stress."

"but if i can't find anyone, then that puts more stress on me because i have to do everything the assistant director does. it's already stressful as it is."

"what does a assistant director do anyway?"

"they track daily progress against the filming production schedule, arrange logistics, prepare daily call sheets , check cast and crew, and maintain order on set."

"jesus...no wonder the original one checked out." deja muttered and i gave her a look. "don't try me right now."

jasmine rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. "everything will work out. after all, your movie got picked up so it can't be stopped." i nodded, going to eat my food. "it can be delayed though, i already have a date that i wanna hit but i guess it'll be fine if its around that date." i mumbled.

"i'm stopping by to bring you food, right?" deja rose an eyebrow and i nodded. kiana scoffed. "i want food, why does dakota get special treatment?!" jasmine chimed in. "yeah!?" i shook my head, laughing at their antics.

deja rolled her eyes, groaning and leaning against the counter. "how about you guys meet me at my restaurant and we can eat there. i'll rent out a table." i shrugged. "i should have time if hitch get's this assistant director shit on lockdown." i agreed and so did jasmine. "i can leave when ever i want because i own my shop so i'll have my assistant manager step in for a while."

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