𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑦-𝑡𝑤𝑜

446 13 34

11 : 00 pm
L O C A T I O N :the girl's apartment

"armin, get yo bitch ass off me." i pushed him away as he laid all his body weight on me. "but you're comfortable and connie's long legs keep pushing on me." he whined, connie sputtering on his words. "armin, fuck off my man." jasmine shot back at him.

it was pretty crowded in the living room due to ALL of us laying claim for the night. all of the bed rooms were pretty much full and that meant that sasha would be by herself unless she wanted to lay with one of the couples. 

which she firmly said "HELL NO!" to.

so we decided to not let her be lonely and come out here, but that was looking like a mistake.

armin was being clingy, laying on my shoulder and when i told him to move, he'd be like, "i'm just laying here...as a friend." and it ticked me off. i couldn't lie when i said that i missed us and what we did together but i need some time to think about what i wanted to do. at the end of the day, i was the one hurt.

kiana was eyeing us a bit, sending me facial expressions of concern as she tried to figure out the 'what' in between us. but i couldn't give her an answer that wasn't just, 'we're friends.'

"welp bro," connie pursed his lips, sighing and slapped his arms at his sides. "deal with it."

"dakota is the only one suffering." i turned over to jasmine and gave her blank face. "you're not suffering aren't you?" armin sat up and looked me in the eyes. "yes, i am. now get yo bitch ass off me." i repeated, shrugging him off for the second time. he looked surprised that i would say that because usually i would give in the second time but no. armin broke my heart once, i'd be a long time before he'd break it again.

"what are we watching?"

"i was honestly think truth or dare?"

"bitch, what are we? 6th graders."

"okay how about never have i ever?"

"still hitting the 6th grader totem pole."

"OKAY, never have i ever. 10 fingers, go."

"never have i everrrr...had a friends with benefits." jean started off and eren, kiana and i let a finger down. kiana stopped people from talking, "look before people come for us, eren and i was friends with benefits before we started dating." eren nodded. "oooh cuz i was about to sayyyy." jasmine eyed her and kiana rolled her eyes. "girl shut up, now let's talk about dakota."

everyone looked at me but deja shrugged, "i've been knew, y'all late." she laid back and i scoffed. "oh shut up. we cut it off." armin jumped into the convo, "cut it off?" i nodded and pursed my lips. "yeah, now someone give another whatchamacallit." i waved my hands, getting irritated over the attention on me.

"never have i ever gone skinny dipping?" eren smirked and i sighed, keeping my fingers up. "man i wish." jean giving me a look of disgust, "you wish?"

"yeah, you've never wanted to go skinny dipping?" i asked and he shook his head. "depends if it's at a beach or a pool." i looked at eren for more conformation."

"okay let's say beach." i still nodded. "im not getting my dick taken off by a fish." jean shook his head and pursed his lips. "niggaaa," jasmine groaned while mikasa sided eyed her boyfriend.

"armin put a finger down." kiana mentioned and i looked over at him. "you've gone skinny dipping?" he nodded, blushing while looking down. "i won't ask details, anyway, ill go."

"never have i ever used a fake ID?"

"awwh nahhh nigga, you wrong for that!" kiana mean mugged me and put a finger down. i laughed, pointing at her since i knew that would get her out. "so we targeting people now?" connie smirked causing me to tense up. "nahh connie, we ain't gotta resort to that." i tried to stop the chaos from happening.

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