𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦-𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒

489 13 32

t h u r s d a y
10 : 22 am
L O C A T I O N : the girl's apartment

i had gotten up with the smell of food filling my nose. deja was cooking and it made me excited. i suddenly tensed up when remembering that armin laid only a few inches away from him. he kept his distance which i greatly appreciated. i sat up, careful not to wake him up and went to get ready for the day.

i changed into something a little more warm and comfy since i would be shooting the last scene of the movie. it was kinda bittersweet. i spent like the last year perfecting everything and actually putting my life on the big screen and now it was about to be over. i guess not completely over since i had other things to do regarding the premier and stuff like that.

armin was still sleep when i left the bathroom, he must have been really sleepy. you don't get the greatest sleep on a couch. i quickly grab all my stuff for work and headed out my room, closing the door behind me.

"i hear heels, is that dakota?" connie poked his head out and looked around the corner. "of course, buzzcut." connie frowned at his nickname. "i would like a change." he stated and i furrowed my eyebrows as i put my bag near the door.

"a change, my nigga? nah, i call you buzzcut because that's what you are and who you represent." connie groaned, bumping into jasmine who pushed him off. "dude, you all up in my space!" she grumbled while she basically inhaled her food. "damn, jas. the food isn't going anywhere." kiana joked which earned her a death glare.

"what happened to your favorite cereal?" i questioned, pointing up at the box on top of the fridge. jasmine waved her hand and continued to eat. "that shit tasted nasty to me." she covered her mouth with her fist. "nasty? that literally is you favorite cereal." deja gave her a look of concern. "yeah and i don't want it, but you know what i do want? more of those pancakes." jasmine pointed to the stove.

"i gotta let dakota get some." deja slid a plate towards me and i smiled, digging in as i leaned on my elbows eating my food. "but you're lucky i have extra." the chef in the friend group slid jasmine more pancakes. "man, your a life saver."

"ayo, where armin at? he left already?" eren pointed to the couch behind him. kiana nodded, "i know, i woke up and he wasn't here."

"i mean if he was finna leave, he could have left a message." connie mumbled and jasmine rolled her eyes. "good riddance i guess." she shrugged causing connie to bump her shoulder lightly. i shook my head, "no, he's in my room."

the amount of forks dropping on plates made me look up from eating my food.

"i'm sorry, nigga what?!"

"i don't think i heard you right, say it again?"

"dakota, what?"

i got bombarded by questions and confused statements which caused me to back up from the kitchen island. "uh...he's in my room, sleeping." i repeated and jasmine scoffed. "you just letting any nigga sleep in your bed?"

"you were the one who told me i should talk to him."

"yeah, TALK to him not fuck him."

"whoaaa, you fucked him!" eren got up from his seat, defensive as fuck. "no! i didn't fuck him. i felt bad that he was sleeping on the couch so i invited him to sleep in my room. we didn't do anything!" i explained thoroughly. "i told you i'd support you with the choice you choose so i can't really be mad." she gave me a small smile.

"are y'all dating?" deja asked and i shook my head. "we agreed to stay friends." jasmine scoffed again, her plate being finished and she pushed it away from her. "i wonder how long that'll last."

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