𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦

515 16 20

f r i d a y
12 : 00 in the afternoon
L O C A T I O N : interview

"let's welcome dakota smith!"

it was weird. my life definitely changed in about a week. earlier in the week on monday, pieck blew up my phone about my movie. apparently my movie had hit $40 million in the past 48 hours in the box office and only grew from there. pieck was signing me up for interview after interview, along with other things.

i was honestly growing exhausted from driving everywhere and talking to so many different people but if i wanted to promote my movie, i had to do it. this was my last interview of the day and i was so fucking happy. i felt like i was gonna pass out on the couch i was sitting on but i put on a brave face.

"how have you been?"

"i've honestly been really tired." i answered, laughing a bit. "i bet, this is your first thrust into the light of celebrities."

"i don't consider myself as a celebrity." i shrugged being completely honest. i didn't think of myself as a celebrity. i picked being a film director to kinda stay out of the spotlight and just have my name on the beginning and ending credits to show that i DID that.

this was a perk i guess.

"what do you consider yourself as?"

"just a black girl making movies." i responded. the interviewer nodded, going into my movie and the thought behind it. then they went into what i plan to do next and how my life has been. "so, how has your relationship status been. your movie ending shows that you got out of said relationship and your comment section on insta say another thing."

i let out a puff of air with laughter behind it. "what are y'all the fbi?" i joked, causing the audience to laugh. "i umm, i'm not in a relationship as of now. usually it may seem like it in my comments but that's literally my friends and i just joking around." i explained.

we finished my last interview of the day and i said goodbye before getting in my car. i put my head on the steering wheel in tiredness and groaned when my phone rang. i hooked it up to my car and answered, pulling out of the parking lot.


"hey, how was the interview?" it was kiana. "hey girl, it was like most typical interviews that i have had this past week. i'm so tired." i replied. "yeah i assumed so, i think everyone is going out to get christmas decorations so you'll be home alone with armin and jasmine since she doesn't feel good."

"jasmine doesn't feel good? what's wrong?"

"she said she has a headache and decided to stay back."

"connie with her?"

"barely, the nigga was in the living room last time i checked, watching tv."

i rolled my eyes, pulling into the parking lot. "okay, i just got home. ill see you later." we hung up and i got my stuff together to go inside.

"oh hey kota." connie nodded at me, eyes still on the tv. "hey." i replied with sleep in my voice. i went straight to my room to find armin working on his computer with his glasses. "hey min." i smiled softly and he turns his head toward me. "hey. sleepy?"

i always called him min when i was either tipsy or sleepy, sometimes just it just slipped out.

i dropped my stuff on the floor, going over to him and going into his open arms. he was so warm compared to the cold outside. "how was your interviews?" armin asked, kissing my cheek softly and giving me a big hug.

"boringggg." i slurred, face hidden in his neck. "get in more comfy clothes." armin pushed me off him gently so he could cup my face in his hands. i groaned, "im so tired."

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