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(Rossiya POV)
Today has been, boring for lack of a better word. Just another normal patrol with Grozny by my side. I almost miss the days when we and Ironblood patrolled together against the Sirens. From the near emotionless Tirpitz to the annoying pest of Hipper, despite her sister that kept under control most of the time. "Ms Rossiya?" Asked Grozny.

"Yes Grozny?" I replied.

"Is it just me or are the icebergs around here not looking natural?" She asked. As I looked around the area the icebergs did in fact not look natural. They seem jagged rather than the smooth ice that was normal in the Arctic Sea. Some of the normal looking ones on the other hand had marks of battle, craters from fired shells and chunks of aircraft debris sticking out of the ice. But what was odd was the aircraft looked like a modified PE-8 bomber. Odd the Northern Parliament doesn't have any other carriers apart from her, but she went missing little over 2 years before Ironblood and Sakura Empire split form Azur Lane.

"Keep an eye out Grozny, we might not be alone out here." As soon as I said that I spotted a siren fleet. 5 destroyers and 2 heavy cruisers, we could win but it would be a fight. However before I shot I noticed something. They weren't moving, almost as of they were defending something. I looked into the Iceberg they encircled, what I say was something I didn't think I would see.

It was a carrier, but there was something else. On the tower was a flag, it was hard to make out but there was something on it, it looked like a roaring bear only we had a flag that carried a bear upon it. I was shocked and this is something Grozny picked up on.

"Ms Rossiya? Are you alright?" She asked, I replied after a short moment.

"Yes I am alright Grozny. It is just there is a ship in that iceberg that carries a Northern Parliment flag." This time it was her turn to be shocked.

"How but we are the only members out this far!?" She asked with an almost accusing voice. To this I replied with a vague answer.

"We are the only known members out this far. We can ask more questions once we deal with the sirens." And with that we prepared for battle switching into our rigging. With its four heads and it's frosted head it was ready to fight. Grozny called out to me saying she was ready to fight with her almost surfboard looking rigging. And with that I fired.

Upon the first shells landing thankfully I hit one of the heavy cruisers magazines, detonating it while sending a large amount debris skyward that damaged a couple of the destroyers around it. The blast also sent cracks up the iceberg revealing a portion of the paint on the carrier. It was a mixture of white, black, blue and red. An interesting combination of colors that only she had along side him. But I pressed on, with the destruction of the heavy cruiser the remaining forces prepared to return fire. That was until 2 of the destroyers detonated from torpedo hits curtsey of Grozny. With their fighting force cut in half, they then returned fire though due to them being mass produced ships their aim was atrocious. With my guns reloaded i fired again. This time I heavily damaged the heavy cruiser's guns leaving it unable to fight back.

With the end in sight me and Grozny moved forward with my secondaries opening up and laying waste to 2 of the destroyers and Grozny destroying the other with cannon fire. We then turned to face the damaged heavy cruiser and I gave Grozny the order.

"Grozny sink this siren with torpedoes we have expended enough shells today." I ordered.

"At once" and with that she loosed the torpedoes and sunk the damned siren. With that we turned to the iceberg now that we were closer it showed it was not just one ship but two, alongside the carrier was a heavy cruiser it looked like a Roon class, an Ironblood ship, but with a few changes it had the same paint as the carrier but the flag, rather than the red and black of Ironblood it had what looked like crossed swords with a spear splitting the two. That just increased the mystery behind these two.

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