A New Age

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(I just got a job in a kitchen so I can't deny this)

(And here we are, the end of this story, it might be referenced in another's project but with this, it is the end. Also the music is for later.)

(3rd POV)

As both sides prepared, Empress began walking down towards the duo.

"So this is the end of the road isn't it? For all of us? Either I fall here and your world is spared, or you fall and this world is wiped away." She said as she began circling the duo.

Yenisey responded, "That is true," as both she and Eiskonig also began circling, "But we have a world to care for and family to return to."

She then summoned her riggings, "So here we stand, to end your threats!" She exclaimed before she launched her fighters. Eiskonig replied quickly after words.

"My Königin explained our reasoning for this fight," he said as he quickly closed the disance between him and Empress drawing his rapier and using his claws on his other hand to scratch at Empress, "However," he said. "We may not know the full scale of the multiverse," he said as he stabbed at Empress again, "But, we will not fall here!"

After dodging the first swipes of both his rapier and claw, Empress summoned a massive Halberd forged of ice, "I now the feeling of family. Do you not think that I treated the Empress's of other worlds like my sisters!" She exclaimed before  swinging the halberd horizontally to get Eiskonig to back off. In response he quickly jumped up and landed on the haft of the halberd, forcing it downward into the ground.

He then took a swipe of his claw at Empress's face but she leaned away only cause some small scratches and cutting some of her hair. And before she sound respond the fighters launched by Yenisey then began diving shooting bullets at her. Is respond she quickly slammed her foot into the floor and with the force raised some of the icy floor into a shield stoping the bullets, quickly after that she grabbed the haft of the halberd and threw Eiskonig off of it with the force of her picking it up.

Quickly recovering Eiskonig fell back and summoned his rigging and began shooting at Empress while Yenisey along with her bears began moving into to engage Empress. But, Empress spun her halberd in her hand like a helicopter stoping the shells by spinning the halberd sent them into the ground.

Quickly using the gap in Empress's attention Yenisey stabbed with her spear, however Empress was able to see it and smacked Yenisey into one of the pillars of the room destroying it, her bears also meet similar fates at the we hit by the blade of the halberd. Because of this the bears furs began to be stained black by their 'blood'.

Seeing his wife getting thrown into a pillar caused Eiskonig to quickly run over to her but he saw her getting up with only some scratches and some light bruises due to her being hit by the flat of the halberd. Looking at eachother they shared a quick silent conversation before nodding.

The two the rushed at Empress at once, Yenisey going to Empress's right and Eiskonig to her left. Seeing this Empress smirked and summoned her massive rigging, before she fired a salvo of plasma at the duo of which they dodged. In a moment of stunned surprise, the duo were able to get into Empress's guard and began laying into her with strikes, but do to her nature as a siren even with thier weapons there were only small wounds with the stabs going at most a centimeter into Empress's body.

However Empress quickly released a blast of energy launching the pair back. When they recovered they saw that her minor wounds were healing. Seeing their surprise Empress decided to start talking again, "Do you two really think that I'm able to be felled that easily," she began laughing manically, "You'll have to try harder then that!" She then launched herself at the two.

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