Diplomacy and Another Reunion

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(Just a cool image I found recently, Also you play the music when I tell you)

(Amelia POV)

The following days after the return of Composer and the reveal that the war was yet another ploy by the sirens were, to say the least, tiring first the higher ups within Azur Lane thought that it was a ploy to hurt Azur Lane again. But that idea was short lived once Composer and her guards arrived at the mainland and talked to the leaders of AL.

After that things with in AL started to show odd anomalies. Shipments to islands long thought destroyed. Reports of some of the higher ups vanishing for a few days only to reappear later. Things weren't lining up, so Celestine, with the help of some of her summons, began to observe the higher ups from afar.

What she discovered and recorded sent shivers down most of our spines. The higher ups that vanished walking into a forest. Once in they were followed to a clearing. In said clearing was Tester Beta, it seemed like the thought of idea that the Sirens couldn't control humans was falsified.

Then Composer put more pieces together.

"They controlled the EU commander to hit Abysren which is why the bombs were still of EU make rather than Siren." When she said that things started moving quickly. First female agents were sent to detain any rouges. Be they higher ups or enlisted didn't matter. Any shipments to destroyed islands were sent to be intercepted by the closest forces. Ironblood took to that task easily.

After even more time of eradicating any possible leaks Composer was finally able to meet with confirmed Human loyal representatives of all members of Azur Lane and the rest of the world.

However as this was again an international meeting it took days for every point to be heard, debated, and either confirmed or decided with fact. One such case was the alleged attacks by Abyssals on civilian targets before and after San Francisco as after San Francisco was razed to the ground the only targets that the Abyss attacked were military targets, airfields, ports, bases and the such.

However though Composer looking over the videos pointed out a fact that the humanoid 'Abyssals' that attacked those targets did not have Abyssal riggings and shot plasma and lasted rather than shell. With that evidence and it's reinforcement through repetition showed that these attacks were made by Siren doppelgängers.

After some time a peace deal was struck. The deal was simple EU is to send reparations to the Abyss to help repair the damaged Abysren, the EU would also allow Abyssal forces free movement in thier territorial waters. The Abyss would also allow both small bases to be placed within the Nyx Archipelago and they would also help rebuild San Francisco. There was also smaller minute details however they were smaller points. Size of the force and that type of stuff. However there was another agreement made, the Abyss and AL would form both an alliance and a scientific collaboration agreement, basically the Abyss and AL scientists help research things to help both sides.

The only thing left undetermined was where to sign the peace.

Composer however presented a possible answer. "We could possible sign this within the Capital of the Abyss, Abysren, in our Majesties castle. When they sent me they said that they would be more than willing to host the signing of whatever deal can be reached."

That was another surprise but a welcome one. So began yet more waiting as the war had entered a ceasefire while the peace was being brokered.

After another week to get necessary transports for all the representatives to both arrive at Abysren and other such facilities. Those being invited to the Abyss were, the representatives, the Royal Family of the Abyss, however what was surprising was that the remaining families from the 'Fallen' as they we called were invited. I however was not expecting an invite however mine seemed different as the rest from what I've seen were from either their family's or from the Royal Family. Mine was odd as A Who invited me and B why? The name was also different it was one that I've only heard hushed rumors about from any of the girls on base. The letter read as such.

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