Queen Takes Pawn

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(QE/Black Queen POV)

Moves have begun to be planned out about the attack and our apportionment counterattack. Along with the king and queen all of the advisers were here as well. Leviathan had been working on getting some of the younger girls to learn how to fight Azur Lane and the Sirens in tandem. Almirante was working with Keystone on the reconstruction projects to help repair the city. Phantom was over seeing the construction of better airplanes to outfly even Siren jets.Deep Maiden was with more of the fleets deployed to the outermost bases getting reports most of the time. And Shrine was constantly trying to figure out how to convince her sisters to join her.

Composer also came back soon after the war horn blared. She had a sad look on her face when she walked back into the council room before sitting down and shoving her face inter hands. Of course begin both A. the king and one of her creators, and B. begin caring in general. Geist asked her what is wrong.

"Composer what is wrong?" He asked, Composer then looked up with red puffy eyes and she began her explanation of what happened, from her hearing the horn and packing up to having to explain what was happening to the entire base. Then there was the aspect that affect Geist the most.

"Your sister your highness tried rushing through the portal as I was leaving yelling to take her with me, she was even calling me Tante with even Eugen and Nimi joined in her rush towards the portal but by the time they got close enough for me to hear that the portal was already closing." As she finished up the explanation both Geist and Oni had both a while worried expression also had small smiles for the sister. Oni then turned to Geist and began talking.

"Geist should we worry that your sister is going to do something dumb to try and get to us?" She asked but Geist mearly shook his head.

"I don't think Mutter would even give her a chance to do something like that. Besides she is smart enough to know that doing something like that would be a bad course of action now that she can apparently out plan Graf Zeppelin her self." With that being said we waited for the rest of the advisers to arrive.  E and my sister were already present as while Leo acts as Geist's knight and secretary. I act as Oni's and as such we are always in Abysren.

As the others showed up I was being to get a little anxious as I don't like standing too still, it reminds me too much of the days where we were only ships. But soon enough the rest of the advisers showed up either in a cloud of Sakura petals as Maiden and Shrine appeared or simply walking through a portal as Leviathan, Almirante, Phantom, and Keystone did. Wo was currently on her way through the door as well.

Then the meeting began

(Timeskip because I doubt that anyone wants to listen/read a meeting)

After the meeting was done, which was around lunchtime, the advisers and me were given the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. So I decided to head for a known Siren hotspot. Summoning my scythe, I opened a portal close to the hot spot and began walking towards the last known location of the sirens.

(3rd pov)
Also begin the music

In the siren hotspot was  some mass production models, and a few dozen Humanoid Sirens. Though they were unaware of the danger nearby as on top of an unfinished spire stood Black Queen with her scythe eyeing the Sirens below her.

After observing for a few minutes more she makes her move and jumps down from the spire onto one of the mass production models which simultaneously cause the ship to split in half but also send a wave knocking a few of the humanoids off their feet and to the water.

The Sirens now aware of her aim their weapons at her after a short period of shock. The. Black Queen began talking, "My what a selection perhaps one of you could give me a fight. Or you could end up just more dust on my blade."

After the threat was issued the Sirens fired their cannons at BQ. Mear milliseconds after the shots were fired BQ jumped off the water surface and over the projectiles. She then came hurtling back down with her scythe raised over her head.

As she closed in on a battleship humanoid siren she sung down with her scythe bisecting the siren. After that she swung the scythe behind her decapitating a heavy cruiser siren. After that display one of the sirens recognized her, "WAIT! THATS REAPER! SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING OUT DOZENS OF BASES ON HER OWN!" Which that yell of alarm the sirens lost hope of winning.

In response to the siren recognizing her BQ smirked as began talking, "My have I become that well known that I inflict that much fear than even Code: G did? Oh I'll rub that in Phantom's face." She then began laughing before kicking off the water at another group of sirens. Though the sirens now aware of who see was began to panic fire at her but she blocked the shots with her scythe. The sirens now within scythe distance all went still as BQ ran by before a few seconds later falling over with either their body cut in half or lacking a head.

As she speed around the battlefield in the distance was a small detachment of Azur Lane with the flagship of the group being Illustrious. As the group closed in they began to hear gunfire, with the now 2 front war occurring they were wary of approaching at speed in case it was a major fight occurring. So to servey the the area ahead Illustrious launched a squadron on Spitfires to observe the area.

As they flew over and through them Illustrious saw what was occurring. It wasn't a fight it was a massacre, hundreds of siren mass production models were either sinking or on fire, the sea had also turned a dark red as she could observe dozens of dead or dying humanoid Sirens.

Illustrious felt as if she were going to throw up, then she heard knocking on the planes. Looking through the planes once more she saw someone she hadn't seen in a few months now. There on the engine of the Spitfire stood the women she used to call Queen Elizabeth, she had a look in her eye that illustrious could barely pickup on of sadness. BQ then began talking once more.

"Now whoever is on the other side of the Spitfire as you can see below. You see why Azur Lane messed up attacking our city. So take this message back to your precious high command. 'The Abyss will strike back soon enough, so prepare your army, prepare your navies and Air Force, high tide has come and it will claim those responsible for the attack soul.' That is all." After that she slashed the plane in half before gun fire was heard and illustrious lost connection with the rest of the squadron.

She then turned to the other girls in the fleet with her, them being Swiftsure, Edinburgh, Victorious, Formidable, and Javelin, with a grave face.

"We must inform Hood and the others of this, for it seems the war we feared has come to pass"


Hello everyone, I am sorry this chapter took so long to come out. Me getting sidetracked IRL and also not having any idea of how to continue the story slowed production on the book. Hopefully before May arrives I'll have the next chapter out.

For the next chapter, well let's say a city might disappear soon enough.

Well that's everything so have a nice day/night!

1342 words

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