Unto the Abyss (PT 1)

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Hello again. I know it's been nearly four months but school, writers block etc. your all sick of the same excuses so onto the chapter.

(Roon POV)

I've been working on what both my Bruder and Schwester 'said' to me in their messages to me. I also kept the cube hidden in my cabin for obvious reasons. So far I've been scouting out those who could join in with me when I join with the rest of my family.

Mutter was one of the most obvious choices, while yes she kept up appearances of being her normal calculating self but I was able to see past that and see that well she misses Burder. Eugen is in a similar station, before Hipper left for the abyss she'd constantly tease her older sister. However it was never malignant in nature, on some of the few operations the I was with the two Eugen always kept an eye on her sisters back. And if she did get hurt in some fashion Eugen would be there to help after the battle, I think she even kept a fairly sizable medkit somewhere in her riggings just in case.

Another would be the 'Lone Queen of the North' herself Tirpitz, the reasoning behind her fall despite being cold as she, is that despite most of the time her being sent to the north by her sister Bismarck or as we now know her Leviathan, Leviathan did care for her sister the reason why she kept Tirpitz to the north was to try and keep her safer. That was uncovered when after a few hours after the betrayal and before tante appeared the offices of those who fell were raided for documents. When Bismarck's was busted open and Tirpitz looked at the deployments she noticed a repeating note on the side of the documents sent for her deployments 'Keep my Schwester safe and May the abyss watch over her." When that happened I noticed a look on Tirpitz's face almost saying 'that's why.' So her being added to the abyss may be easier than some of the others.

And for the last of the ones if scouted out from Ironblood was Z23. She was one of the girls more directly impacted when the others left, she went from her ranting, and upbeat self to someone fairly cold though she does try to cover it, she isn't good at it. Of course they would still need to be convinced into joining me in the abyss, that's a given.

Next on the list of possible fallen, was the Sakura Empire. The first on the list was Mutsu for obvious reasons her sister is with the abyss and she does care for her so trying to mend that relationship would be nice. Another was Takao and she was under possibleity to fall because Atago went to the Abyss and while she tried keeping up her facade of being a tough warrior the few times I walk by her and her sister's dorm I can hear her wails and I have also seen her looking out to sea from her balcony. Maybe she's trying to see if her sister is out there looking back at her.

The next two will probably be the trickiest ones to convince, Kaga and Akagi. The reason I'm looking to convince them is I had sent a few messages to burder through the coin lock, and from what he's said Amagi, Kaga and Akagi's sister, while never fully involved in the abyss was always by burder and schwester's side. To honor her there is apparently a statue in Abysren (their capital city apparently) to honor her, I also inquired if there was a possibility of bringing Amagi back the answer to that was inconclusive but he did mention something about Project: 新生 or translated to English Rebirth, so the return of Amagi may help convince the two.

And the final one form Sakura to possibly fall would be Ayanami, this is again due to her relationship between her and Fae/Z1 that was made during her stint on base. And while nothing personality wise changes with her due to her being fairly cold already, came out more physically. Now she didn't do anything drastic thankfully but I have begun seeing her wandering around base towards the Ironblood side of the base and buying things such as Ironblood leather and cloth to make a shawl similar to Z1's.

Next up on the list was the Royal Navy fallen, now some would think a majority of them were unaffected which was wrong since they lost both their main monarch and her main knight. The most obviously affected was the last Queen Elizabeth class still in Azur Lane, Valiant, she had changed a lot from how she was. She, despite having a way to her sisters old throne that she always wanted, declined becoming the next queen of the Royal Navy, she also began to wear darker colors leaning closer to dark blues and such.

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