Awake the Queen of Ice

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(Yenisey POV)

Why the hell do I have a headache? That is what I asked myself when I woke up. Though I felt the comfort and warmth it a bed rather than my deck, of which I am certain I was knocked out on, WHEN THOSE DAMN SIRENS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!

Keep your calm Yenisey, Eiskonig should've dealt with the pests already though.

"Ah you awake," I turned my head towards the voice that I recognized, there standing before me was Rossiya after months of not seeing her.

"Rossiya! It has been a while." I exclaimed happily seeing one of my oldest friends after so long.

"Longer than you would think Yenisey," she replied and what see said 'longer than you would think' how long have I been out?

"Rossiya how long have I been out?" I asked concerned.

"From what the Eiskonig said little over 2 years" she replied sadly, two years how much has changed since that ambush.

"What has happened over those 2 years?" She sighed at this question.

"Come Yenisey, you and Eiskonig need to be caught up on what has happened over the years." She replied seriously, that concerned me even more than before.

Getting out of bed I summoned my spear to help me walk as my legs feel numb, as we start walking out of the med bay, I looked around and still felt the cold of the northern domain I was queen over, even if Tirpitz tried to claim that title more than once.

"You OK Yenisey?" Asked Rossiya.

"I am fine, it is just me wondering where we are I still feel the cold through your hull." I replied matter of factly.

"Huh, didn't expect you to be able to feel that even I don't," she replied.

"Well it does help when you spent months on end up here, and got used to it to a point where you can feel it but it doesn't effect you." I ended the conversation there as we came up to the deck. Behind Rossyia's ship was my ship.

It's deck being 45 meters wide of runway for my PE-8s and my Yak-9s at the ready, my White, Blue, Black, and Red camouflage is still ok after all these years. Beside my ship was Eiskonig's ship with his guns damaged and his armor having several holes in it. He is doing it again not resting because of me but wacking him outside his head with a 100 Kg bomb can wait till after answers. As we approached the front of Rossiya's ship I saw him standing there on lookout.

"Eis nice to your still being an идиот," I told him while walking up to him.

(Eis will be Yenisey's nickname for Eiskonig)

"Ah my sweet koingin nice to see you on your feet," he said as placating as he could, because he knows damn well that he is going to get hit at some point. "So then Rossyia you said you would give us answers right?" He asked

(3rd POV)

"Yes I was going to give you answers" said Rossiya, she motioned for them to take a seat by a table she had Grozny set up. "We will be here for a while so take a seat"

The duo of the north than sat down by each other and Yenisey sat her head on Eiskonig's shoulder. "So what has happened over the two years we were gone." Asked Eiskonig.

Rossiya responded soon after, "things have changed after the two of you went missing in that iceberg, first was actually one of the more recent events, both Ironblood, Sakura Empire, alongside Vichia Dominion and Sardegna Emprie split for Azur Lane becoming the group known as the Crimson Axis. They split off because of a difference in philosophy between the Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Ironblood, and Sakura Empire on how we should fight the Sirens. Eagle Union, and the Royal Navy alongside thier allies including us wanted to only use human technology. The Crimsion Axis on the other hand wanted to use Siren technology to fight them." Said Rossyia.

"So it is a war of ideals that split Azur lane" stated Yenisey.

"Yes it is the reason the Azur Lane split. But as of recently from what we have heard from the Royal Navy is that recently they alongside Eagle Union have started to notice Siren mass production ship anchored in both Ironblood, and Sakura ports." She told the two solemnly.

"What of the girls of Ironblood and Sakura Empire?" Eiskonig asked with urgency, obviously worried for his home country of Ironblood.

"From what we have seen it seems that the Siren mass production ships are obeying the girls commands, which is concerning" Rossyia stated. "However as of recently we have noticed a drop in patrols in Sakura Empire almost if they are preparing for something. However do to a recent communication from Azur Lane high command is wanting the concentration of ships in the allied port of Pearl Harbor, this is due to better lines and the tightening of coastal defense in both Northern parliament, and Iris Libre territory. As such I am going to make a proposal to you two." Rossyia said the duo.

"Oh and what is the proposal" asked the duo of ice.

"My proposal is that along side me, Grozny, Kirov, and Tallin, you two come with us to the base I can trust the remaining girls of Northern Parliament to handle patrols and commissions while we are gone. So will you join us in possibly ending this war?" She asked. The duo looked at each other almost as if they were having a silent conversation, before they turned to Rossyia.

"We the Legends of the Frost shall take you up on your proposal." They stated in perfect conjunction.

"Well then," stated Rossyia, "let's make port and repair Eiskonig's ship and then we shall head for Pearl Harbor and support our allies.

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