Greed Breeds War

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(Eiskonig POV)

It has been a few weeks since Composer was sent on her mission to Azur Lane. She has been sending messages back to us on her standing with the other girls.

While some of the girls still give her death glares, especially my sister, but that is to be expected. But apart from that most of the girls are ok with her.

Though I have noticed something as of recently. The manned ships that are apart of the convoys have been pushing more and more towards where Abysren is located, Point Abyss.

Point Abyss is the deepest part of the ocean, nearly quadruple the depth of the Marina trench. The only reason humanity has never found it and the Abyssals is because of it actually being only accessible from one section of the crust under Nyx Darkus.

The only people that now of it's existence are either those who worship the Abyss or previous Abyssal King and Queens. That is actually a part of why me and Yenisey are the King and Queen. When we were given the deal and accepted the it we were meet with a test.

The test was to find the entrance to Abysren to claim the throne. It took a while mainly trying to find clues to its location. But that is not important at the moment, but I need a break from the paperwork.

As I walk out I pass Leo on the way out and signal her to follow me. I was going out on a walk so why not have some security.

A few minutes later .......

Due to where the Castle is we are already in the commercial district of Abysren. Me and Yenisey have gone through every store in the commercial district.

For some reason though I had a bad feeling in my stomach, almost as if something is going to go bad.

Oh well, I'll will check the surface when we get back to the Castle.

"My king, you seemed to me worried," said Leo. She always was worried about what me and Yenisey were thinking.

"Don't worry Leo I'll check to see if anything that I can see went wrong." We kept walking after that, though the feeling only grew.

2 hours later ....

The Abysslight of what humans and Kansen would call the day is waning. And then the feeling hit full on.

And then the "sky" of the abyss

Shattered like glass

Raing down from the now shattered "sky" were bombs. And down from the "sky" came destruction.

Blocks of building both residential and business detonating around me and Leo. As I stared up in shock I noticed the bombs advancing towards the Castle. In which was Yenisey and Prinzessin, as well as the rest of the advisers lived and were in.

Steching my powers over the Abyss as far as I could I sent the bombs back above the water level into some siren bases I knew of. But the damage had already been done. Then came another rain.

A rain of paper

On said paper was the O so beloved Eagle Union. And on it was a letter addressed to us and the rest of the civilians and to the military personnel in Abysren.

'This is the Eagle Union General in charge of the pacific islands, to the Abyssals. Stay where you are. Humanity are the true rulers of the sea and you are all mearly another bug to be crushed under our boot!'

That is what the paper said, to say I was angry was an understatement. But that wasn't crompable to the PURE RAGE that Yenisey was feeling.

She was standing in front of a burning section of the city. She was standing in shock while she didn't look it she cared for her people and this attack. This attack was the one that awoke a roar so powerful I felt the "sky" shake.

Then she turned to me and I knew exactly what I must do. There is a signal I can send out that lets every Abyssal across the world know of this attack. It was created by the previous King and Queen for they felt it was needed. I can't say they were wrong.

So me and Leo began our trek back to the castle with Yenisey and Shrine in tow.

A few minutes later ...

We have arrived to where the signal will originate. In front of me Yenisey and all our advisers sat a massive horn. And this horn will be the one that signals the coming of the Abyssal tide to the land. I have also sent Composer a message to begin to pack up and head home. With one final sight I step up to the mouthpiece of the horn and blow with all my might.

This is what it sound like

(Composer's POV)

I had heard of what happened to Abysren from the King himself. What happened shouldn't have happened and now I'm rushing to pack everything up to go home and attempt to help him and my Abyssal sisters. But it see,s my rushed packing has caught the attention of the new leaders of the four major factions.

"Composer why are you packing up in such a rush?" Asked Yorktown. I don't know how I should respond then I heard the horn.

When the four heard the horn the jumped a little bit then Mikasa turned to me and asked, "What was that?!" She said in a panic. I sighed might as well tell them what happened.

"Gather all the girls you can in the plaza there is something I must tell you all." After that I finished packing after the leaders walked out.

An hour later...

I was now sat on the stage in front of a good majority of the girls on base. I was wearing a solemn expression something some of the more grown up ships saw and began getting worried about as I usually had a pleasant smile adorning my features then I began talking.

"The reason I called you all here is because something happened." I said that starts sending alarms through a lot of the girls heads.

"Abysren was attacked by the Eagle Union, during the attack around 20,000 of my Abyssal sisters meet their end from the bombing." I said and as soon as that left my mouth Roon jumped up and yelled.

"What about my Burder and Schwägerin!" She yelled in panic. I then began calming her down.

"Do not worry my dear niece they are perfectly fine, so are the advisers. But that horn you heard was the call of war. With this attack the Abyss can't sit silent. So while I was hear for peace we might be forced to fight, so my dear nieces. I loved every second of my stay here on your base I must go."

After that I opened a portal and went home, though I noticed a few of the girls getting up and rushing towards the portal, Roon leading the charge. And just as she reached the portal she called out to me.

Please take us with you Tante!

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