Melodic Chord

696 20 25

(Wales POV)

Things have not been going well since the betrayal of our leaders and their followers. When we got back to base that day we only found it leveled, there was explosive residue and the main areas destroyed were millitary but the dorms, academy and several other areas were left untouched.

Then was the problem of the leadership since the leading figures of all four majors betrayed us we had some troubles. But new leaders we appointed. For the Royal Navy Hood took up the leadership as Valiant at the moment isn't stable. For Eagle Union they chose Yorktown to take up leadership as she was finally able to recover from her injuries, though she was out of commission for a few days because of what Enterprise did.

As for the returning factions of Ironblood and Sakura Empire they chose Mikasa and Friedrich Der Große. Though she was not present for the betrayal Friedrich Der Große tried to help The Tidal Fox recover. It has been only a short few days since the betrayal.

Most of the military assets are being repaired at the moment, but it is slow still. Siren activity has also plummeted from where it was. In the newer information I and the other leaders have received is that several major siren bases around the factions home ports have been annihilated. Another thing is that around the convoy routes we have noticed Abyssal submarines and surface fleets seemingly protecting the convoys.

When ever any Kansen assigned to the convoy approached the ships, a portal consumed the ships only for it to disappear moments later. We also intercepted a message between the Abyssals the contents of the message were interesting, "Sister should we be worried about what the king and queen are doing?," asked one voice only to be answered by another soon after.

"I personally trust them they brought Abysren back and strengthened it to the point where it is even past the Age of Conservation's technology." What this 'age of conversation' is we don't know.

As I was thinking of this more the maid I was assigned to help me work, Cheshire walked in with a worried look on her face which was rare. "Is something wrong Cheshire?" I asked and she responded soon after.

"Owner, I am worried you are overworking yourself. I can take over for you to rest owner after all that is what Lady Hood assigned me to do." She said and I only stared off into the distance where I saw a small shape on one of the higher sections of Pearl Harbor. As I looked closer I saw it was Kaga and Akagi, though I am not exactly knowledgeable on what  they are doing I do do know what today is.  I then sighed in tiredness from the amount of paperwork I had to do.

"Ok Cheshire, you win I will go and rest for a hew hours and then retake my position." And with that I got up from my seat and walked to my dorm, it is mearly a standard Royal Navy dorm.

A few hours later.....
Begin the music

After a well deserved rest I resumed working on my paperwork. It was the standard fair for the job approving and denying requests, reading reports of commissions, and any new information on the war. As I was settling into a rhythm Cheshire burst into the room this time however she had a look of fear, I then talked, "Cheshire is something wrong?" I asked. She nodded franticly she then said her reason for breaking down my door.

"There was a large energy spike a few kilometers away from Pearl Harbor, there is also a signal similar to the Abyssal's signal originating form that same location." She said. That worried me while so far the Abyssals have yet to attack us I have a feeling it will only be a matter of time. So I am deciding to play it safe.

"Cheshire gather Kansen from all four majors we might need the expertise that other lack. You and I will be joining as well." Once I was done she left to gather a fleet.

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