Pests To Be Eradicated: Part 1

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Imma just start

(3rd POV)

After the signing of the treaty, things began moving quickly. Several civilian models of Wardens were sent to help with construction projects around the world. The research labs for the collaboration side of the treaty were also quickly made, and already researchers have begun work.

But the most important aspect was also underway, finding and exterminating the Sirens. The progress went quickly with the Abyssal owning nearly the entirety of the seas. Areas like the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, Pacific and Atlantic were quickly ruled out of being where the Sirens were holed up. Eventually it was ruled to only one last place. The Arctic was the last place that was left unchecked. Only because of factors like sea ice thickness.

This was a problem given to the scientists to solve. How do we get through the sea oceans to the Sirens to wipe them out? A few ideas were passed around such as massive icebreaker ships but they were left under gunned in aspects of AA and armor. Portals were also ruled out because of the signature that they would leave as soon as they opened. The last idea worth mentioning was the use of large sea ice crawlers. After all if we can't break the ice why not just go over it?

A few thought it idiotic, but the rest though it plausible. Thanks to areas in Northern Parliament, Maple Monarchy, and Eagle Union they were able to test scale models of the ships after extensive testing taking another few months to fully develop them. It would take another few months for the Abysaal dockyards to make enough to carry the forces needed. However in that time Azur Lane and the military arm of the Abyss were not slacking. They were training night and day, a few had bed ridden themselves through over work. But the payoff was well worth it. Destroyers we're hitting as hard as the cruisers used to be. And so on and so forth, their arsenals were also improved. The Essex class were given a wide scale retrofit allowing them to carry jet aircraft.

New Jersey's sisters were also given redeployed and upgraded to fight on equal terms as the rest. Over the months forces all over the world were slowly moved and prepared to fight in the Arctic. All the factions were given proper clothing to fight in the below zero environment. And the time would come soon as in August just as summer was starting to wind down, the icecrawlers were finished. Over two hundred of the ice crawlers were made some made with crew and those being transported in kind others meant for perimeter defense outfitted with top of the line AA and rocketry equipment.

When the time had come the forces of both Abyss and Azur Lane boarded the ice crawlers and began their journey to the Arctic. Aboard the lead ship of the icecrawler fleet was Geist and Oni. They were also accompanied by the fallen and the current faction leaders. They were all talking strategy from as large as general force count to small thing from which strategy should be used where and under what circumstance.

After a few days of traveling they had arrived at the beginning of the ice sheets that couldn't be broken. As such the icecrawlers began doing what they were built to do. Upon the bow of each ship were massive teeth to dig into the ice and drag the ship and running along both sides of the ships were large ice screws to help propel the ships.

Within a few days time they saw the first Siren fortifications. Large emplacements of cannons lead t words a large metal wall that was as tall as the Eiffel Tower was seen. With the use of the jet capable aircraft carriers scouting they were able to see that the wall was a large ring around another ring of the defenses which were even more reinforced that the outer ring. However within the second ring they were able to see a large castle. One made with metal and ice. Further details were lost due to increasing amounts of AA and flak the closer to the castle the patrols got.

Eventually plans were drawn up to pierce the first layer of defenses. Through use of large scale bombardments and air raids to destroy as many defenses as possible before forces were sent in to actually begin fighting. All of the actual ground forces were from the abyss mainly do to them being just better suited for combat. All of the War-hosts were also in the force numbering in the hundreds for Centuri class titans, and over 10,000 military grade Wardens.

So over the next few days things were prepared and sent to full readiness. Checking gear and ammo, resting, some of the Kansen even had thier riggings out which were actively being welded on. So slowly approached zero hour. The hour in which the last war will begin.

And soon that time had run out. Currently standing on the lead crawler's bridge stood Geist. Infront of him was an intercom mic, one that was transmitting to every ship in the fleet, and so began his speech.

"The time has come my friends, the time for peace is on the horizon. And here in front of all of you stand the last of the Sirens." He paused before being again, "We have fought for years against them, we fought each other for years. Yet here we stand united rather than divided as they hoped. Now we have one last item on the list to check. One last light to turn off, one last pest to be exterminated. So let us set to our grim work. Let us strive for the peace we desire. For we are not dead! We shall never die should we fight! So set forth sprits of the seas! Set forth and end this contamination!"

With his final command in his speech, everyone opened fire even the destroyers began firing. Within a few hours of the bombardment commencement, large swaths of both defenses and ice were either smoking craters or charred ice.

Within her castle Empress slowly smiled, every siren left knew their fate, for it could not be changed. However that didn't mean they wouldn't fight. She then began to talk, "So it has begun." she said.

"Come let us see the power of this Abyss, the power of this world."

"Show the Goddess you are worthy to be spared."

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