The Dark Angel

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(Eiskonig POV)

Today was going to be interesting. A few days ago along with the recovery of the Royal Navy Maids and their cargo which was revealed to be a Black Wisdom cube, there was also the arrival of the Iris Libre fleet which contained the faction leader, Richelieu, along with her second in command St.Louis, Le Terrible, and Le Triumphant were also in the fleet. Of course with them being staunch enemies with Ironblood needless to say I saw more rifling.

After a few days we intercepted a transmission of Sakuran origin originating at Point Nemo the deepest known part of the ocean. The current leaders on base decided to investigate this transmission with a battle fleet consisting of both a large number of both Royal Navy, and Eagle Union ships with all available secondary fleets to deploy as well. That being the Northern Parliament fleet and the newly arrived Iris Libre fleet.

At the moment we are a few hours away from where the transmission is originating from. As I was looking out to sea from the bow of my ship I heard two sets of footfalls. The elegant yet heavy footsteps of my dear queen and the energetic and fast footsteps of my dear daughter. Heh FDG and Roon wanted to tear Yenisey apart once they learned I had fallen for her. But I turned around and immediately I got tackled by Prinzessin, I looked down toward where she impacted and she had me in a bear hug similar to her mother's. I than began talking to her, "Prinzessin are you ok, you usually aren't this clingy even after the two years me and your Mutter have been gone." She quickly replied.

"I'm scared Vater that in this battle I might lose you and mutter again." She then squeezed as hard as she could, I looked over to Yenisey for help on calming our daughter down. I then spoke in a calming voice.

"Do not worry Prinzessin both me and your mutter will keep each other safe along with you." I promised her as I was getting up the sky turned dark as storm clouds appeared overhead, the seas also became some of the roughest seas I have ever seen or felt. Then in a flash of light we appeared in a place I thought me and Yenisey would never have to see again. A Mirror Sea made by the Sirens, as I looked out to the horizon I saw the red lighting of Siren mass production models. I then turned to both Yenisey and my daughter the look I gave them was all they needed they jumped off the ship forming their riggings. I followed close behind them with my rigging. I then noticed in the sky a two dots. Then a transmission came through our riggings.

"Welcome to Akagi's sea Azur Lane!" Yelled the brown fox through the radio and with that the battle began.

Fast forward half an hour

We were just mopping up the last of the Siren mass production ships, then I noticed new portals opening up in the distance, I radioed this information to Enterprise. I then looked to my left and saw Yenisey stab her spear through one of the remaining High-class Sirens. "Yenisey my dear we should get airborne I see more portals opening in the distance," I said. Yenisey mearly nodded and began launching her planes mostly have her Yak fighters up rather than her PE-8s as I had seen that the portals weren't spitting out more Sirens but rather Sakura Empire Kansen.

Yes I am being lazy fast forward to the fleets engaging

I called out to Yenisey, "Yenisey we should stop this before anyone dies! I have a theory that if we take down Akagi the sea will collapse!" She turned towards me and spoke in her voice.

"I will go and fight Akagi you are need down here against the Sakurans," she then launched her personal Yak to hunt down Akagi.

(Yenisey POV)

I have been flying around for the past couple minutes trying to find that bitch of a fox called Akagi. I then spotted Enterprise flying close by and I called her over the plane's radio. "Enty why are you up here with me you are supposed to be leading your faction down at sea level?" I asked.

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