Deep Down Leisure

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This is what the Abyssal capital city looks like just saying and yes it is High Charity from Halo 2.
Also ignore the giant light beam.

(Yenisey's POV)

Today, all of the leaders have sent a message for a "Day Off" as they called it, from the war. So, while the surface is at peace the Abyss below is hard a work. But it has been a while since me and Eis haven't been able to visit to to a certain iceberg.

So we told a little lie to those on base in where we were going for the day off.

"We are going to an island a couple kilometers away from the mainland to relax," was the excuse and everyone bought it.

And waiting a few hours, me, Eis, and Z1 were out at sea heading away from the base and away from any prying eyes. With Observer moving siren patrols away and the ceasefire between the nations we are free to move.

3 hours later . . . . . . .

We are now at the island, the name of the island is apart of a bigger archipelago known as the "Nyx Archipelago" specifically the island known as the "Black Jewel" of the archipelago, Nyx Darkus. As we neared I spotted some shapes beneath the water.

When I looked closer, I saw the blue glow along their backs. As we neared the shore, from below the water, two concrete piers emerge. I take the one the the far left and Eis to the far right while Z1 takes the place in the middle. Then, Eis called out to me."Königin, we should begin the trek to the shrine." And nodded and disembarked from my ship.

As we began the walk to the center of the island I saw some of the underbrush moving.

When we neared the center shrine built by an ancient tribe that worshiped the abyss, two metal jaguars jumped out from the under brush.

When we neared the center shrine built by an ancient tribe that worshiped the abyss, two metal jaguars jumped out from the under brush

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Here is what they look like and yes it is a remodeled Ravage from Transformers Prime

As we walked closer I summoned some of my Abyssal energy to show the Höllenkatzchen who we were after they sensed the energy they bowed their heads and turned towards the door. They then took positions similar to guard dogs in front of the door.

We then walked closer and the door opened to reveal a gate looking device with Wo standing in front of it waiting for us. When she noticed us she gave a deep bow before I started talking, "Wo you have no need to bow to us, you are one of our greatest allies and friend, plus you kept an eye on Z1 while we're gone."

She then stood back up and gave an amused smile, she then began walking to a console close to her and began to work. After a few minute the gate began spinning and after a few second a portal down to the Abyss opened. We then stepped through with Wo in tow.

Location: Abyssal capital city Abysren

We arrived in Abysren with surprise as we were not expecting a giant parade ready for their return. From a float of the city itself to the ships of the 3 with miniature Abyssal ships alongside them. But the crowning jewel of the parade was the float for the Royal family. With 3 thrones at the top of a dark lotus flower. Eiskonig's throne had black sharks merged onto the throne with white powder snow on the top of the throne and armrests.

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